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2022-12-20 作文



Each nation has its own holiday. And a summary of a year, mainly divided into the traditional Chinese Spring Festival and Christmas in the west. Christmas is a Christian in the birth of the Lord, means that the holy one, to celebrate. And the Spring Festival is our Chinese traditional festivals, marks the arrival of spring, vitality erupt, winter came. They are marked the arrival of the New Year, used orientation.

But, as a Chinese, or the Spring Festival is more important, after all, it is our tradition. Foreign holidays in the rise of China's, because in today's China is in reform and opening up, throughout the course of Chinese and western ancient and modern, foreign festivals lively and fresh make a lot of the younger generation. Part of the festival also is worth our using for reference, like Thanksgiving, father's day, and so on.

But, no matter how popular foreign holiday, is better than the Chinese traditional festivals. Because in 5000, the western culture, the history of her charm and traditional festival, will make us proud in "we are Chinese"!





Christmas is coming, the students are very excited, in the early to prepare for bestzhufu.com Christmas. Christmas has become the best selling goods in the shop, the businesses also busy unpreparedness to deny. It also seems to be a habit of every year, but why do we celebrate Christmas? I don't know you seriously thought about? I don't know you seriously thought about? Is it just in order to follow the fashion, or are you just in order to follow the public...

Some students hold opposite attitude for Christmas, they think that we are Chinese, we should have is the Spring Festival... Although it sounds not very friendly, but there is something to it.

I don't know since when, as long as something with foreign reference will be accepted. Foreign holiday, of course, it flowed into the life of the Chinese people, and the festival also granted by the Chinese people "hospitality". Now China has joined the wto, the status of these foreign festivals were more people raised, even than the Chinese had their own festival is happy. Are we Chinese really is..? As a Chinese, I certainly don't hope so.

Hope that the Chinese don't blindly worship foreign things, we Chinese jiangshan what all have, as long as we work hard, I believe one day foreigners will we worship.



我不知道什么時候,只要與外國接觸,就會受到人們的青睞。當然,外國節日也流入了中國人的生活,這些節日自然會受到中國人的影響“熱情款待 ”。現在中國也加入了世貿組織,這些外國節日的地位得到了人們的提高,甚至比中國人過自己的節日更快樂。我們中國人真的崇洋媚外嗎?當然,作為一個中國人,我不想這樣做。


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