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2022-12-19 節假日


  1、For her

  The old customs, in the days before the July 7th, first in a small wooden deposited a layer of soil, planting corn seeds, let it give birth to the green plants, put some small cottage, Kaki in the above, a small village farmhouse people look, known as the "shell", or mung bean, adzuki beans, wheat, immersed in the magnetic bowl, wait for it to grow enough inch bud, then to red, blue wire rope tied into a bundle, called "seed", also called "five bowl" or "flower pot".

  The south is also known as the "bubble will grow opportunely", called the bean sprouts bud needle or replace opportunely opportunely, shoot, throw in Qiqiao surface. With wax model of image, such as cowboy, fairy tale characters, or the bald eagle, Yuanyang, such as animal shape, placed in the water, known as the "floating". And wax baby dolls, let women buy home soil, the thought is in the son, called "im".




  2、Daddy-longlegs should skillfully

  This is the earlier a Qiqiao mode, its customs later Qiqiao needle, roughly from the southern and Northern Dynasties when. The Liang Zonglin "age Jingchu" said; "is Xi, Chen fruits at the court in the Gregorian calendar. Pregnant subnet to melon is thought fit." The five generation of Wang Renyu "Kaiyuan Tianbao Chronicles" said: "in July 7th, the spider to catch small box, to Xiao; as the spider density thought Qiao hou. Close a Qiao, dilute a clever little. Folk also effect "of song Meng Yuan" Tokyo menghualu "old saying," July 7th July to small spider Ann zygote, the next day to see, if the net is the circle that skillfully."

  Song Zhoumi "Qian Chun at the age of mind"; "the small spider storage density, with time netting as skillfully how" Akita Runa "prosperous" July 7th "to treat said, small box filled with spiders, as early as the" network density that permitted amount." Thus, the test method of the northern and Southern Dynasties different opportunely, as network has no apparent network density, Tang, song as the network circle is more, later Tang customs compliance.


  這也是較早的一種乞巧方式,其俗稍晚于穿針乞巧,大致起于南北朝之時。南朝梁宗懔《荊楚歲時記》說; “是夕,陳瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子網于瓜上則以為符應。”  五代王仁裕《開元天寶遺事》說:“七月七日,各捉蜘蛛于小盒中,至曉開;視蛛網稀密以為得巧之侯。密者言巧多,稀者言巧少。民間亦效之”宋朝孟元老《東京夢華錄》說,七月七夕“以小蜘蛛安合子內,次日看之,若網圓正謂之得巧。”


  3、 Needle test Qiao

  This is a variant of July 7th Qiqiao needle customs, derived from the needle, and different from needle, is the Ming and Qing two generations of the prevalence of the July 7th festival. Ming Liu Dong, in the "Yizheng Teikyo features slightly" said: "July 7th lost Qiao needle. Women's aeration ang water day, Qing, water film pasta, embroidery needle into the float, needle at the bottom. There are clouds heads and shadows, with shoes and scissors Solanum Torvum shadow, that begging skillfully; the shadow was as thick as a hammer, as fine as silk, straight as a shaft wax, this clumsy syndrome."

  "The Chronicles" also said, Liangxiang county (now Beijing southwest) "in July 7th, women Qiqiao needle, in water, by the shadow to inspection workstation, to the night still in weaver Qiqiao" ask Yu Minzhong "," lead "news test if office notes" said: "to the bowl of water storm subsolar Yandu woman in July 7th, their investment and small needle floating water, Xu as the bottom shadow. Or shadows, moving clouds, such as fine lines, rough rent such as cone, due to the Bu female clever."




  4、 Worship Vega

  "Worship Vega" pure girl, the young woman. They and their friends and neighbors who are about five or six people, to 10 people, jointly organized. The ceremony was held in the moonlight bottom, a table, the table top tea, wine, fruit (longan, red dates, Iko, hazelnut, peanut, melon seeds) offering; there are flowers and a few flowers, a bunch of red paper, insert the bottle, flower lead a small incense burner. Then, about good to worship the fairy, young girls, a full day of fasting, bath ready, just in time to host the house, in the case of burn incense to worship, everyone around the table, eat peanuts, melon seeds, side silently towards Vega, her mind. Girls like to marry a pretty or young people hope wishful Lang, have a lovely baby early, to midnight. Play until midnight beginning.



  5、Qiqiao needle

  This is the earliest Qiqiao, began in the Han, a later. "Notes Xijing" said: "the Chinese female often in July 7th colour holes on cardigan building, people with learning." The Liang Zongmou "age Jingchu" said: "July 7th, Pennsylvania is ladies wear seven self-expanding floor with gold or silver, or stone needle." "The land records" said: "the Emperor Wu Qi layer city view, July 7th, pinning Doden palace. The needle floor."

  The five generation of Wang Renyu "Kaiyuan Tianbao Chronicles" said: "July 7th, the palace to Kam formed building house, the height of one hundred feet, dozens of people can win, Chen to fruit wine processing, with seats, sacrificing female star, concubines in nine needle colored lines to wear, too is skillfully hou. Dynamic Qingshang music, pleasures of people working. Soil is of validity." Tao Zongyi "Yuanshi originally recorded" said: "the nine station, July 7th Qiqiao the. To the evening, ladies stage using colorful silk wear nine tail needle, first as a clever, late finish is called lose perfect, each contributed to give to one person."







精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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