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2023-01-01 祝福語

  21、Teacher's day has come, I hope your life is good every day. My blessing is not late. I wish you a good mood. Let's give you luck to make you laugh. Happy birthday to you! BBK!

  22、your unselfish dedication could we achieve no success today.

  23、Favorite all like having you as our teacher. you have our respect and gratefulness.

  24、first day of school, I know your new teacher. When I see you feel so

  25、You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for

  26、With you, my life was wonderful! ! Thank you! My teacher!(有了你,我的一生才精彩!!謝謝你!我的老師!)

  27、Days teachers are black, you Guaiguai, Zaodian Shui bar, good night! Teachers we like them you laugh, you laugh together pretty good, really!(老師天都黑了,您乖乖的,早點睡吧,晚安!老師我們喜歡您笑嘛,您笑起來好漂亮,真的!)

  28、This is Teachers’Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. H

  29、師者:3、CHILDREN DAWN BLESSING――孩子們清晨的問候

  30、It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.

  31、When the stars hiding in the distant horizon, vaguely lights still shining in your window. It is precisely because of your perseverance, we have bright future! Thank you, teachers!(當星星隱匿在遙遠的天際,依稀的燈光依然閃亮在您窗前。正因您的執著,才有我們璀璨的明天!謝謝您,老師!)

  32、教師(總稱):teaching staff教育工作者(總稱) | teachers教師(總稱) | primary school teacher小學老師

  33、You are the bridge, the connection is cut off for our mountains, let us to harvest peaks; you are ivy, tough and slender, guide us to the cliff top pick of Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng.

  34、are convertible.

  35、Tuoqi is your ideal for sail; you lit the fires of my knowledge. You are a respected person in my life!(是您托起我的理想之帆;是您點燃我的知識之火。您是我一生敬重的人!)

  36、Teacher: I was the sun every Yilv of your blessings, each is a star I see your eyes, holding each slightest drizzle I deeply miss you, miss you.(老師:每一縷陽光是我對您的祝福,每一顆星星是我看您的眼睛,每一絲細雨牽著我對您深深思念,想念您。)


  37、This is teachers' day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. this profession deserves the special recognition and respect. there is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. you have my eternal gratefulness. have a happy teachers' day.

  38、"Indomitable willpower can conquer the world on any one peak," when you teach Lietu Pingci Today, I manage to life. Teachers, your hard!("頑強的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰",當年您憑此教導劣徒,今天我以此駕馭人生。老師,您辛苦啦!)

  39、Thanks for being such a great teacher.


  41、Teachers, I will you, as I work on the aircraft lights. In our common holiday is approaching, I wish you a backgammon! ! ! !(老師,我會把你作為我工作路上的航燈。在我們共同的節日來臨之即,祝你們步步高!!!!)

  42、wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. happy teacher's day!


  44、us, your hard work! 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

