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2023-01-02 祝福語


  33、the international working womendadeliveryou the femininekeeping in good health law: 1 happy, facing me when long hangthe smilingface; 2 careful, completematter which everi confessed; 3 intimate, foreverplaceme first. haremembered?

  34、Thanks, thanks, thanks compatriots work with one's mind of women in the labour, for wind, thanks to rain, thanks to women raising children, thank you, thank you, thank you to respect women forwarded this message, 38 women's day happy.

  35、The world because of had the woman, but appears particularlybeautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thicktrue meaning! Wishes the March Eighth to be joyful, is forever youngattractively!--世界因為有了女人,而顯得分外美麗!問候只是短短的幾行,卻是一個濃濃的真意!祝三八節快樂,永遠年輕漂亮!

  36、Wish you smile every day happy, youth often in the same old, family harmony, everything good luck surround around you, happy women's day.



  39、What is arrogant? Cow! What is modest? Installs! What is diligent and thrifty? Digs out! What is Fengxian? Silly! What is intelligent? Blows! What beautiful woman? You! The beautiful woman holiday is joyful!

  40、Don't let your busy life full of you, don't let your space, don't let little things just your time, don't let yourself not panting. 38 women's day today, remember to rest, take care of yourself.--別讓忙碌充滿你的生活,別讓工作占據你的空間,別讓瑣事排滿你的時間,別讓自己沒有喘氣的時間。今天三八婦女節,記得多休息,照顧好自己。

  41、Through the years, I have shared so much with you, both bitter and sweet. You have been such a comfort to me, helping me in every way, and all I wanna say today is: Sis, I treasure you close to my heart.--這些年,我和你分享了如此多的酸甜苦辣。你是我的安慰,在方方面面給予我幫助。今天我想說的是:親愛的姐姐/妹妹,我把你珍藏在內心最深處。

  42、I wish people loved, flowers flower worship beauties get reborn, chaise longue and face unward a plant, men see a heart full and Mona Lisa grin opened his mouth, Venus has broken your arm, 38 day.--祝人見人愛,花見花拜,西施見了趕緊投胎,貴妃見了仰頭一栽,男人見了心兒全開,蒙娜麗莎見了嘴兒咧開,維納斯見了把手臂斷開的你,三八節快樂。

  43、A beautiful woman, agreat friend and a wonderful mother. You are all this to me and much more... I feel so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.

  44、Is also the March Eighth, delivers you ten catties iron. Boils the pot nutrition soup, makes up the calcium the blood tonic. Puts a new years vacation again, the wages gives in the same old way. What question also has, looks for green jade prostitute

  45、Happy Women's Day to the one who has stolen my heart!

  46、For all the times you've brought a smile and made my days seem brighter. For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter. For doing the caring things that make a special friend. Your friendship is a joy. I wish it never ends! Happy Women's Day!--你總是帶給我微笑,為我的生活增添光明。和我分享人生的起起落落,為我分憂解難。關懷我,成為我特別的朋友。你的友誼帶給我快樂,希望它永遠長存!婦女節快樂! 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

