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wish you a long life together

2023-01-04 祝福語

  “wish you a long life together。兩個人的眼睛交錯了,在這個浪漫的時刻成功地結婚了,在我們的日常生活中,我們不可避免地接觸到婚姻祝福,如何寫一個好的婚姻祝福?"結婚祝福英語句子"是你在尋找的,歡迎閱讀,希望你能喜歡!

  1、As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you.

  2、may your marriage be blessed with faith,joy,and love.愿你的婚禮有信心、快樂和愛。


  4、White head with eyebrows, mandarin duck with wings, Qingyang Qirui, peachand plum heart! I wish you a happy marriage and early birth!

  5、Peach and plum world full of rain, happiness is always in your heart.

  6、As you tie the knot with the love of your life today, wishing you years of togetherness and companionship。


  8、From now on, the bell of new marriage rings. I wish you a happy marriageand a long life together.

  9、Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.


  11、Onbehalfoftheclassmatesofthebridegroom,itismygreatprivilegetoofferheartycongratulationstoMr.Smith onthehappiestoccasionofhislife,andtohislovelybride.

  12、couple of phoenixes on the wing-happy marriage

  13、Best wishes on a long and happy life together


  15、wish you both the best of luck and,ever-increasing happineas the years go by.

  16、The teacher and the teacher's wife are really wonderful couples, talentedpeople and beautiful women. I wish the teacher a perfect match and a hundredgenerations of prosperity.

  17、相親相愛 to be kind and love to each other

  18、parrot flies in a cup of jade liquid, and a phoenix dances in a yaochilake.

  19、Full moon, happy, wish you a strong marriage, love unbreakable!

  20、righteous man may have many troubles.

  21、never knew two people better suited to each other.

  22、Love each other, happiness forever, with the same heart, happiness long,wish you two love than the sea deep!

  23、wish you much happiness on the day of the wedding, accompany you two years of life.

  24、Today is the end of your single, the starting point of happiness, Isincerely wish you a hundred years!

  25、look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary. May you have many gold years.




  29、sincerely wish you a happy new marriage and a happy life together.

  30、花開并蒂 a good marriage

  31、The knot I wish you, good luck one hundred! Happy marriage, sweet!

  32、Happiness Begins Today!

  33.我丈夫和我祝你們倆幸福,白頭偕老。Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day.

  34、hope that this is the beginning of a wonderful life together

  35、Blessings fill every house!

  36、wish you true love forever, happiness and beauty.

  37、happy and wonderful marriage

  38、wish you a long life together


  40、We wish that you will be contented every year.

  41、同德同心 to be of one mind 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

