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2023-01-13 祝福語

  56、Girls like flowers,and more broad-minded inclusion,in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain,the river changed its appearance. This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.

  57、Family is a peaceful harbor, with warm spring breeze and calm waves. May your new family be happy and happy, and may you two always march together on the voyage of life! Eleven happy! 家庭是寧靜的港灣,春風和煦,波瀾不驚。愿你新建的家庭幸福美滿,愿你倆在人生的航程中永遠并肩前進!十一快樂!

  58、National Day,the National Day,celebrating the country. The birthday wish you good mood every day happy,eternal happiness!國慶,國慶,舉國歡慶。祖國生日祝你美好心情,天天開心,快樂永恒!

  59、◆throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics. in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through.◇神州大地繁花似錦,祖國長空樂曲如潮。在這美好日子里,讓我用最真摯的祝福伴您渡過。

  60、I wish you the popularity of Kung Fu Panda,the luck of Mr. Bean,the chivalry of spider man and the courage of Superman. In a word,it's cool in autumn. I wish you a happy National Day!祝你擁有功夫熊貓的人氣,憨豆先生的運氣,蜘蛛俠的俠氣,超人的勇氣。總之,秋高氣爽,預祝你國慶氣貫長虹!


  61、Send you a ray of sunshine, two bunches of flowers, Sanyang Kaitai, the four gods of wealth, in addition to my sincere wishes, the synthesis of a sentence: 11 happy, happy National Day! 送你一縷陽光,兩束鮮花,三陽開泰,四方財神,在加上我真摯的祝福,合成了一句:十一快樂,開開心心過國慶!

  62、Autumn years, the harvest season, I wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! !

  63、Whereas the inspire you spicy warm sunshine; Filar silk cool breeze gives you zi zi; Streaming shower wash your abrasive dust; I wish I just greeting to you frequently good luck! 縷縷的陽光激勵你辣辣的熱情;絲絲的微風賦予你滋滋的涼爽;淋淋的細雨沖刷你粒粒的塵埃;但愿我短短的祝福帶給你頻頻的好運!

  64、Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! ! !

  65、Wish: everything goes well and everything comes true! 祝:萬事大吉,心想事成!

  66、◆this violent tadatoshi akiba of the air, into care, hopefully we care among not only the advent of the national day holiday period. ◇把這漫天飛舞的秋葉,化作關懷,但愿我們間的關懷,不僅是國慶佳節來臨的時刻。 ◆guo guoqing look similar to the takeoff of the people to forge ahead! you kept me fairly well-off to tomorrow! ◇國慶國慶相親相近,祖國騰飛人民奮進!你奔小康我來鼓勁,為了明天我們前進!

  67、When you see I will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited I wish a happy National Day!當你看到我給你的這份祝福,請將頭用力撞墻,看到沒有,你眼前無數的星星是我無限的祝福,國慶快樂!

  68、◆national day, we qi joy, a total of 56 national jubilation, i wish our motherland is thriving! ◇慶國慶,大家齊歡樂,五十六個民族共歡騰,祝我們的祖國欣欣向榮!

  69、Smile,ten years old,I hope you have no trouble in life;happy,peaceful heart,I hope you are free and easy in everything;national day,rest,I hope you have everything. Happy National Day!笑一笑,十年少,愿你人生無煩惱;樂一樂,心平和,愿你事事都灑脫;國慶節,歇一歇,愿你什么不缺。國慶快樂! 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

