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2023-01-14 祝福語

  “Sincere wishes for family reunion.”生活里、學習里,工作中,常常會收到祝福語、心情句子,一般句子形式不會太復雜,你覺得什么樣的句子比較優美呢?你可以讀一下編輯整理的元宵節祝福語英語簡短,可能你會喜歡,歡迎分享。


  1、正月十五月兒圓,真摯祝愿送身邊;正月十五元宵圓,愿你來年好運連;正月十五人團圓,歡聲笑語幸福年;正月十五心愿圓,祝你吉祥如意年! The fifteenth day of the moon is round, sincere wish to send around; The fifteenth day of the yuanxiao round, wish you good luck in the year; The fifteenth day of the people happy, laughing and happiness; The fifteenth day of the first wish round, wish you good luck!

  2、十五的月兒圓又圓,給你全家拜晚年!家好運好人也好,幸福美滿更團圓! the moon is round and round thanks for your family later in life! Home luck guy happy reunion!

  3、Sincere wishes for family reunion.

  4、賞一輪明月寄托相思之情,品一個湯圓嘗幸福的甜蜜,放一顆煙花歡慶太平盛世,發個短信送一片真心祝福;祝元宵節快樂! To admire the moon reposing lovesickness of love, a sweet dumplings taste happiness, put a fireworks celebration of the new millennium, send a text message to send a sincere blessing; I wish a happy Lantern Festival!

  5、預祝大家元宵節快樂,豬圓玉潤鬧元宵。 I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, pig yuanyurun make Lantern Festival.

  6、午夜人散盡,花好月圓家人團圓,群燈吐艷你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,網中情緣愿夢“圓”。 Midnight people cleared, spending a good family reunions, group of light beauty you most "good". Send acacia and wishes, the net love to dream "circle".

  7、元宵圓,月兒圓,團團許一個愿望。老朋友遠道而來短信傳,祝福你:甜甜蜜蜜高高興興健健康康永遠! lantern round, monthly child round, round and round xu a wish. an old friend from afar to sms biography, bless you: sweet sweet honey happily perfectly healthy forever!

  8、Sweetness is like glutinous rice balls, which round out the persistence of a lifetime.

  9、在這燈如晝的時節,我們一起相約黃昏后,今晚我要讓你成為最幸福的人兒。 In the season of light such as day, we meet after dusk, tonight I want you to be the most happy people.

  10、圓圓的湯圓,圓圓的情;圓圓的思念,圓圓的愛;圓圓的祝福,短信傳;在這個月兒圓,家團圓的節日里,我將一個大大圓圓的湯圓傳給你,元宵節快樂! Round dumplings, round feeling; Round, round love; Round blessing, message transmission; In this round, family reunion festival, I will be sending you a big, round dumplings, happy Lantern Festival!

  11、The joy of the New Year continues to this day, the red lanterns are hung up to this day, the joyful mood continues to this day, the warmth of spring continues to this day, and the lively fireworks continue to this day. I sincerely wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

  12、愿生命的精彩和頑強與您同行,愿事業的蓬勃和你的美麗永恒!恭祝元宵佳節快樂!Let life wonderful and strong with your peers, vigorous and may cause your beautiful eternal! Happy Lantern Festival!

  13、在此衷心祝您闔家歡樂,身體健康,元宵節快樂! I sincerely wish you a happy family, good health and a happy Lantern Festival!

  14、I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and a full life and career!

  15、元宵緣宵少圓宵,三五圓宵胃難消。今宵切莫貪饞嘴,祝你美滿度良宵! Yuanxiao edge flaring less round night three to five round night hard to stomach Never greedy available tonight I wish you a happy night! 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

