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2023-01-19 祝福語

  36、過年好,元宵到,順順利利全家好。Happy new year, Lantern Festival to, Shun Li, the whole family.

  37、愿君元宵節快樂,開心幸福,萬事順心!Happy Lantern Festival!

  38、笙歌一曲唱佳音,人也圓圓心也圓圓。Shengge a song to sing good news, people are also round, the center is also round.


  39、元宵夜,夜元宵,夜夜元宵夜喜慶年,年喜慶,年年喜慶年,祝您節日快樂!  Yuan yuan snack, night yuan xiao, and night snack festival year, the year is festival, every year festival, I wish you a happy holiday!

  40、嚼一口甜蜜蜜的湯圓餡,讓你吉祥如意,生活美滿。Chew a sweet sweet dumpling stuffing, let you lucky, happy life.

  41、Get involved and try it yourself. First do stuffing, mother will buy red bean picked clean water wash and soak for an hour, and pour into the pot with a simmer, until the bean curd, beans, and then scoop up bean skin, the beans into the bowl with a rolling pin

  42、送您黑芝麻湯圓,祝您新的一年,生活芝麻開花節節高!I'd like to send you black sesame dumplings. I wish you a new year and a prosperous life!

  43、I wish every year a great success, every month and every month goes well, every day is happy and happy, every moment is full of vigor, every month is full of flowers, and everything goes well with your family. Happy Lantern Festival!


  45、月到十五分外圓,把我疼愛把我憐,常常把我掛心間,今夜的湯圓甚是黏,象征我倆圓圓圓。  Month to points circle, I love my flow, often hang my heart, tonight the dumplings is very sticky, symbol we round and round。

  46、祝君甜蜜開心笑,全家團圓過元宵。I wish you a sweet and happy smile and a happy family reunion.

  47、祝福元宵節快樂,希望你一切都好!Wish you a happy Lantern Festival. I hope you are all right!

  48、But I love your warm arms. When the outside world makes me tired, does my darling know? They say the outside world is wonderful. I always want to run to my side! Happy Lantern Festival!



  51、The Lantern Festival is coming. Friends who are away from home remember to contact their families far away. I wish all of you a successful career, a prosperous career, a healthy body, a happy life, an early realization of your beautiful dream, and a return to building your hometown, happy Lantern Festival!

  52、Those who receive my blessings are never fired; The man who reads will fly to the ground. People who store love are sweet; Those who are lucky; People who retweet pay skyrockets! Happy Lantern Festival!


  54、年年元宵年年圓,團團圓圓,事業圓滿,家圓人圓,財源情緣,愿愿隨愿月兒圓。元宵快樂!  Yuan xiao round year after year, year after year, business circle person circle, completeness, and financial resources to want to want with the moon is round。 Yuan xiao is happy! 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

