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2023-01-23 祝福語



  1、V。 endless words,is the bottom of my heart the most true blessing forever。訴不盡的千言萬語,永遠是心底最真的祝福。

  2、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year請接受我們對你及你全家的美好祝福,(ok3wnet)祝你們新年快樂。

  3、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year。請接受們對您及您全家的美好祝福,祝您們新年快樂。

  4、Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year,wish a healthy body。請接受誠摯的新年祝福,順祝身體健康。

  5、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season。愿你擁有美麗的新年所有的祝福。

  6、With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快樂幸福。

  7、Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!獻上節日的問候,愿您擁有一個充滿生機和歡樂的新年。

  8、Good health,good luck and much happiness throughout the year。身體健康、萬事好運、來年幸福滿滿!

  9、Thank you for not as signing homework this holiday season。感謝您沒有留假期作業。

  10、Are those memorable days,I always sing the melody。 You are now ok?那些難忘的日子,是永遠吟唱的旋律。您如今還好嗎?

  11、Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year。祝節日快樂,新年幸福。

  12、Yangyang happy home celebrate the New Year,every year New Year HuanHuanLeLe horse!洋洋喜氣熱熱鬧鬧喜迎新年,年年新春歡歡樂樂心想事成。

  13、May the coming New Year bring you joy,love and peace。愿新年為你帶來快樂,友愛和寧靜。

  14、New Year greeting to cheer you,my good friend.希望新年祝福給你帶來歡樂,我的好朋友。

  15、Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things。傳統佳節之際,獻上殷殷祝福,祝新年萬事如意!

  16、May the season's joy fill you all the year round。愿新年的快樂一年四季常在。

  17、Greeting transformed into a poem,a melody,open a garden of spring!祝福串成一首詩,一段旋律,開啟一片溫馨的春的園地。


  18、We won’t forget you this holiday season。假期里,們不會忘記您的。

  19、May you have the best New Year ever。愿您度過最美好的新年!

  20、Happiness sia we joint effort,you and I to build a better tomorrow。幸福新航們共同努力,您共建美好明天。

  21、May many fortunes find their way to you!祝財運亨通!

  22、The elder brothers,had made a fortune in this year,please don't forget to treat! Happy New Year。哥們,今年發財了吧別忘了請客。新年快樂。

  23、May the joy and happiness around you today and always愿快樂幸福永伴你左右。

  24、May the seasons joy fill you all the year round。愿節日的愉快伴你一生。

  25、Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!獻上節日的問候與祝福,愿你擁有一個充滿生機和歡樂的新年。

  26、Happy New Year! May you have a belongs to own heaven and earth。新年好。愿您擁有一片屬于自己的天地。

  27、New Year greeting to cheer you, my good friend。希望新年祝福給你帶來歡樂,我的好朋友。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

