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2023-01-24 祝福語


  20、Yuan xiao, big news, the recruitment of chang e, please prepare: one inch free of color photo two, id copies, diploma copies, resume each sent to the space agency. Note: women are limited. Chinese New Year message

  21、在這個充滿喜悅的日子里,在長久的離別后,愿元宵節的燈火帶給你一份寧靜和喜悅,和我深深的思念!  In the days full of joy, after a long absence, the Lantern Festival lights will bring you a peace and joy, and I deeply miss!

  22、The moon is round, reflecting the sweet smiling face, and the stars are filled with yearning, sweet dumplings, wrapped happy reunion, fireworks, dancing sincere wishes, blessing, carrying the warmth of friendship! Happy Lantern Festival!

  23、The Lantern Festival is a joyful holiday. One night the ichth yosaur dance, the silver flower twinkles the fire tree. Invite friends and relatives to gather together, the beauty of the beauty is pleasant. At this time, the scene is full of affection, everything and happiness. Wishing you a happy New Year.

  24、家家戶戶紅燈掛,街上彩旗嘩啦響。正月十五元宵節,全家團圓品元宵。玉碗湯圓端上來,銀杯高舉一醉休。甜甜蜜蜜一家親,共度元宵吉祥安。元宵節快樂!  Families hang a red light, flags waving sound in the street。 The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, family reunion is tasted yuanxiao。 The jade bowl of dumplings, silver cup held up a drunk。 Sweet skin enjoy yuanxiao auspicious。 Happy Lantern Festival!

  25、祝你全家團圓幸福多,年年吉祥如意多,歲歲平安多好事!I wish you a happy family reunion, good luck every year, peace and happiness!

  26、正月十五元宵節,吃的是團團圓圓的湯圓,送的是圓圓滿滿的祝福,賞的是五谷豐?登?愿的是步步高登,發的是短信祝愿,送的是真心實意,愿你元宵節快樂。  The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, eat tuantuan round dumplings, send is round and full blessing of reward is the grain abundant? Deng? may is a Gordon, texting is wish, send is sincere, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival。

  27、祝:團團圓圓!甜甜蜜蜜!順順利利!健健康康!Wish you a happy reunion! sweet and happy! Good luck! healthy!

  28、Draw a circle to bless you, happy and healthy follow you. Draw a Lantern Festival for you, the reunion center happy. Draw a flower lamp to hang your home, the Lantern Festival split the heart flower. Happy Lantern Festival, family reunion!


  30、祝你一年平安全家順,一生健康全家安,一路發財全家福!I wish you a year of peace, family Shun, a lifetime of health, family safety, all the way to wealth and family fortune!

  31、元宵節,放下那些不如意,用心享受團圓的驚喜!On the Lantern Festival, let go of those disappointments and enjoy the surprise of reunion!


  33、回蕩著新春的熱鬧,吟唱著歡樂的歌調,迎接著春風的微笑,祝福的短信已來到,祝福你元宵快樂最獨到,生活美好,事業走高,前途分外美妙。  Echoed with the New Year's lively, singing songs of joy, smile to greet the spring breeze, the blessing of message has come, and wish you a happy Lantern Festival is the most original and beautiful life, career, the future is wonderful。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

