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2023-02-16 祝福語

For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!~~句子雖短,但很有意義。以下是祝福網小編精心收集整理的簡單圣誕英語祝福語(摘錄68句),帶給大家。歡迎大家參考閱讀。

1、 may christmas and the new year be filled with happiness for you.

2、blessing, I wish your family happiness, Merry Christmas!

3、At christmas and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill

4、Your smile is the most beautiful Christmas present.

5、Take your passion and make it come true.發揮你的熱情,讓理想變為現實。

6、Best wishes at Christma.I miss you.

7、Christmas is here, think of nothing to give you, and do not intend to give


9、cheery christmas and the new year hold lots of happiness for you!

10、We\'ll be here after the New Year.

11、May peace,happiness and good fortune be with you always.

12、bring in the new year. we wish the merriest of christmas to you and your loved

13、your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy christmas.

14、warm greetingand best wishefor christmaand the new year!

15、wishing you peace, joy and happiness through christmas and the coming

16、friendship, infinite acacia is a wish. Happiness is always there, every day is


18、Christmas is coming,wish you healthy body like Santa Claus,a career like snowmobile without resistance,money like a Santa Claus the gift in the baggage are y Christmas!

19、Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares and concerns during the year. 圣誕即將來臨,祝你快樂幸福,對你一年來的關心和照顧表示衷心的感謝。

20、Merry Christmas.Many happiness returns of the day.

21、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all

22、wish you a happy Christmas and a happy New Year!

23、Don t forget to hang up the sock!

24、warm hearted wishes for an old fashioned christmas and a happy new year

25、Secretly make a wish that Santa Claus will give you to me on Christmas day.

26、Wishing you a white Christmas. 愿你有一個銀白色的圣誕。

27、am willing to accompany you through the cold winter, through Christmas, and meet the spring light of the recovery of all things together.

28、wish you a gay and merry christmas. all affection and best wishes to

29、maybe years make memories fade, perhaps space will be insulated from each other, but it is worth to cherish is still a close friendship. want to say to you again, merry christmas!

30、hit after wave of warriors, it is the ride you gave me strength; If I is not

31、countless christmas blessings, that friendship, thick accumulated happy memory, the affection of the world, the warmth of heaven, finally brings to us all.

32、Christmas gift and everything to me.無盡的愛戀與祝福,獻給我的愛妻,你永遠是我珍貴的圣誕禮物和我的一切!

33、happy mood cool!


35、you not to see, also see, I wish you a merry christmas!


37、here is wishing you all a merry christmas and a new year bright with joy

38、how many love snow falls, flutter. how many love snowflakes fly, fly up. even if so far apart, this will never change! merry christmas!

39、jingle bells jingle bells, jingle bells, in this romantic day, we together until the morning, to hang a bell every star.

40、close to the christmas eve, you haven't received the gift?then go to sleep! your satisfied ge scare santa claus.

41、We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead. 圣誕節轉眼又到,又該迎接新的一年了。我們向你及你的親人們致以最美好的圣誕祝福,愿你在新的一年里事業興旺,幸福美滿!

42、Every Christmas I have the same plain, because with you, this years Christmas is extra different.


44、have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way.

45、圣誕樹上飄落的雪花,帶給你豐潤的來年;圣誕樹上搖擺的禮物,映照著你燦爛的笑臉。On the Christmas tree falling snow, bring you rich next year; To sway, gift on the Christmas tree reflects your brilliant smiling face.

46、Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the merry Christmas..

47、wish all the best wishes for you.

48、love you more than I can say.

49、listen, santa's ringing, go and take a look at ah, how to come back so soon, what, taking out the trash, don't worry! 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

