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2023-03-23 祝福語



1、從今天開始,每天微笑吧,世上除了生死,都是小事。Smile everyday from today. Nothing really matters except to live or die.

2、Love is a chord in life, not a solo.愛是人生的和弦,而不是孤獨的獨奏曲。

3、To my one and only Valentine: I love you.

4、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

5、to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

6、不要著急,最好的總是會在不經意的時候出現。No hurry,the best always appears accidentally.

7、to my one and only valentine: i love you.

8、true love's the gift which god has given to man alone beneath the heaven.

9、天才形成于平靜中,性格來自于生活的激流。Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life.

10、ust because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

11、勇敢地冒一冒險,贏了,固然會開心;輸了,也能學著變聰明。Take risks. If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

12、For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.

13、didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you.Happy White Valentine's day, Dear.我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。親愛的,白色情人節快樂

14、要努力使每一天都開心而有意義,不為別人,為自己。Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful,not for others,but for myself.

15、I belong to us, such as Night of Tanabata. You will come? So I will! !


17、100 birds to build bridges, Kelly Chuanshu,Tanabata long associated with the Eagle! ! !

18、I am grateful to you for giving me the happiest in his life time, today is the Chinese Valentine's Day, I wish we were never in love, old age ! Deep kiss you! !

精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

