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2023-06-20 祝福語



1、只有登上山頂,才能看到那邊的風光。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快樂!Only by climbing to the top of the mountain can we see the scenery over there. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

2、愿我笑里藏溫柔,心里藏浪漫,骨子里藏詩!May My smile hide gentleness, Heart Hide Romance, Heart Hide Poetry!

3、自己生日自己嗨,自己Happy自己拍。Own Birthday oneself hi, oneself happy oneself clap.

4、不是每天都能過生日,希望我今天生日快樂,愿你年年歲歲幸福永伴!It's not every day that I can celebrate my birthday. I hope I have a happy birthday today. I wish you happiness every year.

5、與時光握手,與歲月言和無雞湯,祝自己生日快樂!Shake hands with time, with years and words and no chicken soup, I wish a happy birthday!

6、愿有人鮮衣怒馬 陪你看烈焰繁花。May someone with fresh clothes and angry horses accompany you to see the flowers of fire.

7、愿我的生日充滿綠色幻想和金色夢想。May my birthday be filled with green fantasies and golden dreams.

8、祝自己生日快樂!希望無論遇到什么事情都要很好的去面對!Happy birthday to myself! Hope that no matter what happens, we should face it well!

9、要灑脫要酷,要不負野心,生日愿望,健康,暴瘦,暴富!Be Cool, be ambitious, be happy, be healthy, be thin, be rich!

10、又漲了一歲,祝自己生日快樂,順順利利的,加油!Happy birthday to you, I wish you a smooth and profitable . Come on!

11、抓住今天的小尾巴,祝自己生日快樂!朋友圈的你們,你們也要快樂哦!Grasp today's little tail and wish you a happy birthday! Friends circle of you, you also want to be happy!

12、我的生日愿望是,能夠一夜之間長大十歲。My birthday wish is to grow up ten years overnight.

13、人生苦短,別對自己吝嗇一句祝福,對著天空大喊:祝我生日快樂!Life is short. Don't be stingy about wishing yourself a happy birthday and shouting to the sky.

14、對過去你遺憾的事情笑一笑,今天停下來和自己說聲生日快樂。Smile at the things you regret in the past, stop today and say Happy Birthday to yourself.

15、祝自己生日快樂!做個無憂無慮的大姑娘!Happy birthday to myself! Be a carefree girl!

16、想要你和我一輩子,祝自己生日快樂。I want you and me to wish each other happy birthday for the rest of our lives.

17、愿我傻人有傻福,想要的都擁有,得不到的都釋懷。May I be blessed with all that I want and all that I can not have.

18、還是要長大的,可愛不是長久之計。You have to grow up. Being cute isn’t a long-term solution.

19、我的生日,我很開心,祝我自己的明天更輝煌。my birthday, i am very happy, i wish my own tomorrow more brilliant.

20、給我生日祝福的人那么多,卻偏偏少了我最想要的一個人的祝福。There are so many people who wish me a birthday, but they are less blessed by the one I want most.

21、一個屬于自己的日子,屬于媽媽的日子,快樂,又心痛。A day belongs to oneself, belongs to Mother’s Day, happy, and heartache.

22、親愛的自己,要快樂要開朗要堅韌要溫暖,這和性格無關。dear myself, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough and warm, which has nothing to do with character.

23、今天的風很大 吹來了我的22歲。It was a windy day, and it blew my 22-year-old.

24、祝自己生日快樂!有心的人不需要自己去提醒不是嘛!Happy birthday to myself! People with intentions don't need to remind themselves, do they?

精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

