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2023-07-09 祝福語

"祝賀你的生日,帶上我對你的愛和一份小小禮物,多多保重自己!生日祝福。" "恭喜你的生辰,伴上我對你的深深愛意和一件小禮物,多多保重自己!生日祝福。" "衷心祝賀你的生日,附上我對你的愛和一份小禮物,要多照顧自己哦!生日快樂。" "衷心慶祝你的生辰,同時寄上我對你的深情和一份小禮物,一定要好好照顧自己!生日祝福。" "誠摯祝賀你的生辰,攜帶我對你的愛和一份小小禮物,要多保重身體啊!生日快樂。" "衷心祝賀你的生日,隨信附上我對你的愛和一點小小心意,多保重身體!生日快樂。" "熱烈慶祝你的生辰,送上我對你的深情和一份小禮物,多多保重哦!生日快樂。" "衷心祝福你的生日,伴隨我對你的愛和一份小禮物,要照顧好自己!生日快樂。" "衷心祝賀你的生辰,附上我對你的深愛和一份小禮物,多多保重自己!生日祝福。" "恭賀你的生日,帶上我對你的愛和一份小小禮物,多保重自己!生日快樂。"


2、ago, I realize the situation would not be pretty. Happy Birthday."

3、implement the spirit, advancing with The Times, make persistent efforts, as soon

4、only wishes that are made with special love will do for a dad who is

5、人生的成功有千百種,您用勞動書寫光榮,您用真情善待親朋!今天是您的生日,請把心放松,靜靜地聆聽我們的祝福:快樂健康幸福。success in

6、Please accept my love,congratulations and warmest wishes for this day and evey day!

7、Looking back across the years, e true.

8、You with a mother's love feeding my soul and body, your breast milk is the source of my thinking, your eyes with the hope of my life。 Mom, I don't know how to repay you, I wish you a happy birthday!

9、You must be proud joy? Should such. I wish you a happy birthday greatly!

10、warm wishes on your birthday. i send along my love and affection for you as

11、it's time to celebrate your birthday. happy birthday to an attractive and

12、May your birthday be filled with endless joy. May your memories be warm today. May all your dreams be sweet and wish you a happy year.

13、among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called a special friend and thats how i think of you.

14、know very well that today is your birthday,and wish you all happiness, health and prosperity, with many happy returns ofthe day.

15、The lantern is round and round, illuminating the happy year.

16、is your ShouDan, wish you are healthy in old age. Beautiful flowers to send you,

17、Grandma means sunshine filled with blessings from above, Grandma meanskindness because its another name for love May this be a special birthday for you.

18、"Happy birthday, and may this day be a special one to always remember."

19、You have the right to remain silent, but you can see every word will be on behalf of my best wishes。 I, on behalf of the son of my parents, my children's dad, my wife's husband, I wish you a happy birthday!

20、A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you.May you seek all the best that the world has to give. May you never stop learning for as long as you live.

21、couple walking in the moonlight, the girl said: tomorrow is my birthday, what

22、Happy birthday to my husband, happy and healthy, rising every day, add to the icing on the cake!

23、To the most amazing cousin in the world, happy birthday! May your day be as wonderful as you are, and may this new year bring you endless opportunities to grow, learn, and explore. Cheers to many more years of love, laughter, and memories together!

24、will haunt you.

25、Although I can't light birthday candles with you, I can send sincere wishes to you. Happy birthday to you!

26、to the earth. Her beautiful talented dexterity. After for years after the

27、behalf of the party and the people warm congratulations on your happy birthday!


29、the blessing in the spring breeze, I wish you a smiling face beauty such as

30、Your thougntfulnell meant a lot .Thank you ,sir.

31、走過重重生命的關隘,走過漫漫歲月的長河,走不出的,是母親溫暖的心田!祝媽媽生日快樂!the pass through many lives,

32、ay this day that's all your own hold happine for you、And may the yearsahead be filled wish all the best things, too、Happy Birthday!愿這完全屬于你的一天帶給你幸福。愿未來的歲月錦上添花。祝你生日快樂!

33、bring you happy, because you are the most lovely sister/this card to you/I wish 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:生日英語祝福句子   生日祝福句子
