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2023-08-03 祝福語



2、Friends, on the occasion of your wedding banquet, I wish you all good deeds and dreams come true; family happiness, two swallows flying together.


4、When the bride and groom are married, the way to be a man will be long ago; when the first child is born, they will have two children, crawling on earth in their hands.

5、Millennium knows the edge of the millennium, a hundred years with a hundred years of sleep. Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks do not envy immortals.

6、The highest realm of mutual affection is relative endlessness. I wish a couple of couples love each other sincerely and make an appointment to congratulate them on their wedding anniversary forever.

7、From then on, the moon and night shared a dream, and from then on, the two flying butterflies.

8、The bride looks beautiful now, the husband and wife have a good marriage; tea congratulations on four couplets, Ding Qifu longevity.




12、Today's good day, the two families tied up; the belly is big at the end of winter, the bride really congratulates.

13、Congratulations on finding a soul mate to spend your life together. Marriage is a major event in life. I believe you will make the wisest decision.

14、May you both be loving and affectionate. This life will last forever, and your love will grow with each passing day! Happy new marriage!

15、Congratulations! Wine and cup are inseparable from each other ever since! Bless you! Wine and cup of love! Congratulations on the amalgamation!

16、My good lady, happy marriage, wish happiness, sweetness, passion and warmth to accompany you all your life.

17、He's making up your words. May you both make up a wonderful life, with deep feelings and sound.

18、lover will eventually get married, predecessor is doomed, happy marriage. Happy New Wedding! A harmonious union lasting a hundred years!





23、Dearest lady, really happy for you, I hope you can join hands in old age!

24、good flower is a rose, and the door is not open. Tonight, couples are in pairs, and the beauty falls and shines.

25、想給你溫柔,也想被你照顧!一句“往后余生,風雪是你,清貧也是你”成為很多新人發的朋友圈話語,那么今天蜜匠婚禮網分享給大家一篇領結婚證的祝福語以及恭喜自己領結婚證祝福語。喜歡的就收藏起來吧!領結婚證的祝福語。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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