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2023-09-02 祝福語


1、誰將煙焚散,散了縱橫的牽絆。Who will smoke scattered, scattered and bond

2、[你 的 明 天 我 沒 有 辦 法 參 與 , 你 的 世 界 , 我 將 不 復 存 在 。]



5、You can not eat for a day, but you can't miss you all day.


7、◆ ◇ヽ—— 回 眸 、 散 落 一 地 的 薰 衣 草 、 等 待 愛 情 的 姐 姐______

8、Those days that will live on are called the rest of life. And the days related to you are the future.

9、You ask I love you is worth, actually you should know, love is to ask worth not worth it.你問我愛你值不值得,其實你應該知道,愛就是不問值不值得。



12、I'll give you a whole love poem about your warm name.

13、True love needs to wait, anyone can say love you, but not everyone can wait for you.

14、There are many kinds of likes, no matter which kind I want to give you.

15、I miss you so dee* that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last.

16、May you walk all over the mountains and seas and feel that the world is worth it.

17、Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation. —— 愛情不是關于占有,而是關于欣賞。

18、There are some people in life that you cant get over。人生總有些人,忘不了,戒不掉。



21、兩顆相愛的心之間不需要言語。No words are necessary between two loving hearts

22、我假裝不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。I pretend I don't care about you, but I feel the pain

23、I love you: love to the end of time! Love to the end of the sea! Love to flood the Yellow River!

24、Like your people, accompany you now.


26、I cherish every little thing about you, from the way you laugh to the way you hold my hand, for it is the essence of what makes you unique and special. 我珍惜你的每一件小事,從你的笑聲到你握著我的手的方式,因為這就是你獨特和特別的本質。


28、The strongest wine in the world is the tenderness with your head down and smile.

29、把我放進你的記憶里,不要管其他的。Put me in your memory

30、The one who loves you will give you the future.

31、你那熟悉的模樣已經深深烙印我心中。Your familiar face has been deeply imprinted in my heart

32、I don't want to say love you, but I am very relieved that you are around me.

33、Our love story is my favorite. —— 我們的愛情故事是我最喜歡的。

34、I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name我很想知道,當我的名字滑過你耳朵,你腦海中會閃現些什么。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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