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2024-03-26 祝福語

piece of good news: The Dragon Boat Festival the same day, the first two digits of the pho~~這些句子適合你意嗎?于是,祝福網編輯為你收集整理了端午節英文句子39句。請收藏好,以便下次再讀!

1、有種友誼,無須掛齒,卻心領神會,祝端午節快樂!There is a friendship that does not need to be hung up, but it isunderstood. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!

2、of the dumplings is thoroughly into the sea, because your mind like the sea, like the broad, do not forget to vote in an oes, I give you a dumplings, friendship is the jacket, there is the blessing of the first, second is happiness, and the third layer is Xinxiangshicheng on the fourth floor of course, is that you s, the panic withdrawal million war gas. Jinbi floor of the iting see that this is the Qu Yuan was poisoned!

3、Artemisia argyi high in front of dance, sickness, driving away evil gas, anti-Wudu, happily the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

4、端午節,端出好心情,端出好生活!Dragon Boat Festival brings good mood and brings good life.

5、You have always been my favorite dumplings in jujube, I need to do to do glutinous rice dumplings? , bring your wrapped, and wrapped tightly, let us together after a sweet happy Dragon Boat Festival!

6、The dumplings is thoroughly into the sea, because your mind as broad as the sea, don't forget to give yourself for a rice dumplings! I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

7、When a mix good wishful stuffing, sweet auspicious luck; Health and line up, put in happiness large steamer; Out of the pan happy joy reed, sending out and peaceful spirit. Wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!

8、端午,我要結結實實套牢你,端午節祝福語送你!Dragon Boat Festival, I want to knot solid and hold you, Dragon BoatFestival blessings to you!

9、do not have words to express, only to have reality, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival. ------ To my house to eat dumplings it

10、moved to a hung your heart, a love of your blessing, a true feelings are waiting for your response. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

11、讓這件外套緊緊伴著你度過每分每秒,祝端午節快樂!Let this coat closely accompany you to spend every minute and every second,wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!

12、wish you the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish you all the best and every day!

13、Red flag raised, flying out of deep willow in zhu. Drums of heart break those far back straight. Cheers and shock, fight shy of ten thousand people. Jinbi floor west title in title first.

14、Where is the heart, there is treasure; Where is the dream, there is the future; Where is the love, there are always touched; Where you are, there is my sincere blessing, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

15、tips: the phone with Zongye wrap, Guo Lizhu on 60 minutes, cell phone batteries, continued ability to be extended twice, the signal enhancement, and call dumplings can smell the aroma。

16、多鍛練身體,少打麻將,才能多吃粽子,天天健康!Do more exercise and less mahjong, so that you can eat more rice dumplingsand get healthy every day!

17、你是多愁善感的烏鴉,你是活蹦亂跳的青蛙,你是潔白的地瓜,你是我心中火紅的大蝦,我想祝福看我短信的傻瓜:永遠流著幸福的哈拉,祝端午節快樂!you are sentimental crow, you are wriggling frog, you are white pachyrhizus, you are in my heart, I think red shrimp blessing see my message fool: always flow happy chat, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

18、神看見你口渴,便創造了水;神看見你肚餓,便創造了米;神看見你寂寞,所以他創造了你的朋友我,端午節到了,我祝愿你節日快樂,多吃粽子!god see you thirsty, then creating a water; God see you hungry, then creating meters; God see you lonely, so he created you friend I, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, I wish you a happy holiday, eat more rice dumplings!

19、issue is the text received is happy to see the message but not that worried about is, open to health, read out a good fortune, is silence best wishes for a happy Dragon Boat Festival

20、I would like to take you do not have been so open, you smell is so charming, your body is very uniform, Xiangyao you a good, really delicious dumplings.

21、Make a good wish I wish you a happy, send a wonderful feeling to wish you everything is round, send a short message to wish you happiness. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

22、little sincerity is better than two hundred gold, balmy for Wan Lihan frost, a sent warm sweet greeting, a message sent to my all heart, happy Dragon Boat Festival dear teacher, is my biggest wish!

23、Five colours new filament winding Angle reed; palm leaf wrapped in friend, friendly care reed is difficult; The door on moxa Ye Xiang, ping an health life forever. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival! 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

