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2022-12-27 高考

59. Most probably, the main purpose of the essay competition is ________.
A. to improve high school students’ writing skills
B. to promote the popularity of the state of Texas
C. to accelerate the development of Texas tourism
D. to enrich high school students’ life all over America
Although some surfers have been skateboarding for more than 50 years, skateboarding did not peak until the 70s. In 1962, a surfer attached roller skate wheels to a board and began selling the skateboards to other surfers. The surfers used this new device to practice “surfing” while not in the water. They improved their balance and technique and had fun while practicing.
In 1973, another California surfer designed a skateboard with plastic wheels. The new wheels were stronger and made less noise. At this time, real skateboards were designed and tricks and moves were developed by skateboard lovers. In many of the tricks, skateboarders seem to resist gravity for an instant but they actually use gravity to make their tricks work.
Skateboarding works best on paved areas such as parking lots. In the 70s and 80s, paved areas with a good downhill slope attracted a growing number of skateboarders. Due to complaints about noise and accidents involving skateboards and pedestrians, skateboarding was banned in many cities. Responding to the need for entertaining skateboarding, some communities built skateboard parks. In recent years, skateboarding has become more popular than ever before.
What is responsible for the fame of skateboarding? Gravity. Teens love to experiment with the forces of gravity. Any object with mass has gravity. Gravity gives us “weight”. More significantly, gravity causes acceleration or in skateboarding terms, “speed” when moving downward from a hill or ramp(坡道). When skateboarders are standing at the top of a ramp or hill, their weight is transformed into kinetic(運動的)energy as the skateboarder takes off down the hill. Gravity accelerates the skateboarder downhill. Gravity is what keeps the skateboarder moving and it is also what keeps skateboarding swift and exciting.

60. What do the first three paragraphs mainly tell us about skateboarding?
A. Its popularityB. Its performing areas
C. Its developmentD. Its designs
61. Which of the following is the right order of the events?
a. Skateboarding was banned in many cities.
b. Plastic wheels were used on skateboards.
c. Skateboard parks were built in some communities.
d. Roller skate wheels were attached to a board.
e. Real skateboards were designed.
A. a, b, c, d, e.B. d, e, b, c, a.C. d, b, e, a, c.D. b, d, e, a, c.
62. According to the last paragraph, the heavier a skateboarder is, ________________.
A. the faster he moves down the hill
B. the slower he moves up the hill
C. the faster he moves up the hill
D. the slower he moves down the hill
63. What is the first key factor that determines the performance of skateboarding?
A. energyB. massC. directionD. gravity
Now 16 years old, Kelsey has her cow—Iris, a 6-year-old Jersey with a silky tan coat and soulful brown eyes. She also has established Fort Bantam Creamery, a one-cow dairy based on a self-designed and profitable cow-share program.
Kelsey’s Fort Bantam Creamery customers purchase a share of Iris for $15, and then pay a fee to Kelsey ($3.50 per half gallon of milk) to board, care for and milk that share of the cow. At $3.50 per half gallon, Iris’ milk is about double the cost of milk from grocery stores in the area, but no one is complaining. One of Iris’ shareholders drives more than 100 miles round trip to get the milk, on top of paying a $15 ferry toll.
Kelsey had her own ideas for Iris’ care. She says she wanted her cow to be grass-fed because milk from grass-fed cows is higher in carotene(胡蘿卜素)and vitamin E than milk from grain-fed cows. In part, that’s because fresh grass has more of these nutrients than grain. Another factor behind the high nutrient content is that a grass-fed cow produces less milk than a grain-fed cow, and because any given cow has only a set amount of vitamins to transfer to her milk; the less milk she produces, the more vitamins are in each glass. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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