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2022-12-27 高考


According to the trials of comprehensive college entrance examination reform that the State Council has made,

W: My heater is not getting any power. Could you come over and fix it?
M: OK. I’ll go over to your house sometime today.
W: Hi, Bob. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How’s it going in your new school?
M: Very good. The people here are friendly. And I really like my teachers a lot.
W: I can’t make up my mind. I like this but I also like that one.
M: Why don’t you try them both on and let me have a look?
W: Right. Where is the fitting room?
M: It’s over there.
M: Guess what? Sally told her boss he was wrong to have fired the manager.
W: You know Sally. If she has something in mind, everyone will know sooner or later.
M: I’m afraid the meat is bad.
W: That’s strange! I just bought it the day before yesterday.
M: Well, I forgot to put it in the refrigerator.
W: Could you do it today, honey? I just want to go straight home and lie down—my head is killing me.
M: Well, OK. How do you use the machine?
W: Just put all the clothes in and pour some soap in. Then make sure the door is close tight. Set the switch to “Pour”.Just turn it on.
M: OK. No problem.
W: And do you think you could pick up some food and medicine for me on the way home?
M: May I help you?
W: Yes, I have a reservation at a hotel. The address is One Beach Road. Can you tell me the best way to get there?
M: Excellent choice, madam. You are staying at the best place in Singapore. To get there, you can take a taxi, or the subway also stops very nearby. From the stop, you’ll just have to walk several minutes to the front desk. But once you check in, the doorman will help you with your bags.
W: OK, the subway, and then a short walk. Thanks a lot.
W: Hi. I’m not in. Please leave me a massage.
M: Nicola, it’s Paolo calling about the course you’re doing for us next Tuesday. Could you get here for 11:00a.m rather than 2:00p.m? And we’ll finish at 3:30 not 5:00. So you’ll still be doing three hours but it’ll be broken up by lunch. And I’d better warn you that the group are really active. So come prepared with a lot to keep them going. They like doing things rather than just listening so make sure you come with plenty of activities. Ring me back if you’ve got any questions. I’m not at home or in my office today. It’s probably easiest to catch me on my mobile.[
W: Excuse me. I’m doing research on behalf of the local Sports Committee. Would you mind answering a few questions?
M: Well, if it won’t take too long, Ok.[
W: Are you a student or…
M: I’ve just started work actually. I’m teaching maths.
W: Oh, yes? And do you use the public swimming pool regularly?
M: About once a week, I suppose, though it might be less in winter.
W: Uh-huh. And how about the cost? Are the charges reasonable?
M: Well, I can afford them, but I think they’re a bit too high, really. Especially for school kids and families.
W: If there could be some other sports facilities, do you have any opinion about how that should be paid for?
M: I think the Sports Committee can get help from local businesses.
W: Well, thank you for your help.
M: That’s OK. Bye.
When I was at university I was friendly with a girl named Alice who came from a very wealthy family. We were both in the same French class and we used to study together quite often. Anyway, at the end of the term, this poor girl failed her French and several other courses. She was so upset that she made herself quite ill and her parents decided to take her on a trip to cheer her up. And they invited me to go along too. It was a real expensive ship going from Southampton through to the eastern Mediterranean. I’d certainly never had an opportunity like that before----and I don’t suppose I ever shall again. Well, my main memory of that holiday is boredom. Alice was getting better but was still too low to want to talk much or to do anything except sleep. We had amazing trips on the shore every second day or so but otherwise we were at sea with nothing much to do except sit on the ship and eat meals. The average age of the other passengers was at least sixty and I hadn’t even taken much to read. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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