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2023-01-24 高考



  f (縮) =female (或 =foot,feet) [ef]n. 女(的);雌(的); 腳,英尺

  face [feɪs]n. 臉 vt. 面向;面對

  face sth 面朝/面對......

  be faced with 面對/遇到......

  facial [ˈfeɪʃ(ə)l] a. 面部用的

  fact [fækt]n. 事實, 現實

  factory n. 工廠

  fade [feɪd] vi. 褪色, (顏色)消退

  The sun had faded the curtains. 太陽把窗簾曬褪了色。

  fade away (to disappear gradually) 逐漸消失

  fail [feɪl] v. 失敗;不及格;衰退

  fail to do sth


  Words failed me. 我無話可說。

  My eyesight failed. 我的視力減弱了。

  If rain fails, the farmers will suffer.

  I fail to see why you won’t give it a try.

  failure [ˈfeɪljə(r)] n. 失敗

  Failure is the mother of success

  The man is a failure.

  The party was a failure.

  fair [feə(r)] a. 公平的, 合理的 a. (膚色)白皙的; (人)白膚金發的 n. 集市;廟會;展覽會

  fairly [ˈfeəlɪ] ad. 公正地, 正當地;相當(程度)地

  a fair price

  fair skin

  a fair day

  fair hair

  fairly pretty 相當美麗

  fairness ['fɛənis] n. 公平;公正

  faith [feɪθ] n. 信仰;信念

  fall [fɔːl] n. (美)秋季

  fall ill/asleep/silent 病了/睡著了/沉默了

  fall behind 落后

  fall over 跌倒

  A sudden silence fell.

  My birthday falls on a Monday this year.

  fall [fɔːl] (fell, fallen) vi. 落(下), 降落;倒

  false [fɔːls] a. 不正確的;假的

  familiar [fəˈmɪlɪə(r)]a. 熟悉的

  family [ˈfæmɪlɪ] n. 家庭;家族;子女

  family name 姓氏

  famous[ˈfeɪməs] a. 著名的

  fan [fæn]n. (電影、運動等的)迷;熱心的愛好者(支持者) n. 風扇

  fancy [ˈfænsɪ] a.想象的;奇特的

  fantastic a. (口語)極好的, 美妙的, 很棒的

  That s an fantastic idea.

  fantasy [ˈfæntəsɪ] n. 幻想, 夢想

  far [fɑː(r)] (farther, farthest 或further , furthest) a.& ad. 遠的;遠地

  far from 離…...遠; 遠遠不…...

  His work is far from satisfactory.

  As far as I can see= In my opinion=Personally依我看…...

  fare [feə(r)] n.(車或船的)費用, 票(價)

  farm [fɑːm] n. 農場;農莊

  farmer [ˈfɑːmə(r)] n. 農民

  fast [fɑːst; (US) fæst]a. 快的, 迅速的;緊密的 ad. 快地, 迅速地;緊密地

  fasten [ˈfɑːs(ə)n; (US) fæsn]vt. 扎牢;扣住

  fat [fæt]n. 脂肪 a. 胖的;肥的

  father [ˈfɑːðə(r)] n. 父親

  fault [fɔːlt]n. 缺點, 毛病

  Why should I say sorry when it’s not my fault?

  favour ['feivə] (美favor) n. 恩惠;好意;幫助

  Could you do me a favor?

  Can I ask a favor? 請幫個忙好嗎?

  We are all in favor of the plan. 我們都贊成這個計劃。

  favourite ['feivərit] (美 favorite) a. 喜愛的 n. 特別喜愛的人(或物)

  fax [fæks] n. 傳真

  fear [fɪə(r)]n. 害怕;恐懼; 擔憂

  feast [fiːst] n.盛宴, 宴會, (宗教的)節日

  feast your eyes 大飽眼福

  a wedding feast

  The evening was a real feast for music lovers.

  feather [ˈfeðə(r)] n. 羽毛

  February ['februəri] n. 2月

精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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