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2023-01-24 高考

  federa [ˈfedər(ə)l]l a.中央的(政府)聯邦的

  fee [fiː]n. 費, 費用

  feed (fed, fed) [fiːd] vt. 喂(養);飼(養)

  They have a large family to feed.

  We feed horses on grass.(We feed grass to horses.)

  feel (felt, felt) [fiːl]v.& link 感覺, 覺得;摸, 觸

  She couldn’t feel her legs.他的雙腿失去了知覺。

  You will feel better after a good night’s sleep.

  feel oneself 感覺身體正常

  I am not quite feeling myself today.

  feel one's way 摸索著前進

  The blind man felt his way along the road.

  feel like(doing)sth 感覺像/喜歡......

  feeling [ˈfiːlɪŋ]n. 感情;感覺

  fellow [ˈfeləʊ]n. 同伴;伙伴

  female [ˈfiːmeɪl]a. 女的;女性的;雌性的

  fence [fens]n. 柵欄;圍欄;籬笆

  ferry [ˈferɪ] n. 渡船

  festival [ˈfestɪvəl]a. 節日的, 喜慶的

  fetch [fetʃ]vt. (去)取(物)來, (去)帶(人)來

  fever [ˈfiːvə(r)] n. 發燒;發熱

  few [fjuː] pron. 不多;少數 不多的;少數的

  quite a few 相當多

  a good few 相當多

  fibre ['faibə] (美fiber) n. 纖維質

  fiction [ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n]n.小說, 虛構的事

  field [fiːld]n. 田地;牧場;場地

  fierce [ˈfɪəs] a. 猛烈的

  fifteen [fɪfˈtiːn]num. 十五

  fifth [fɪfθ]num. 第五

  fifty [ˈfɪftɪ] num. 五十

  fight [faɪt] n. 打仗(架), 爭論

  fight [faɪt] (fought, fought) n. 打仗(架), 與……打仗(架)

  fighter [ˈfaɪtə(r)] v. 戰士;斗士

  figure [ˈfɪɡə(r); (US) ˈfɪgjər] n.數字;數目;圖;圖形;(人的)身型;人物;(繪畫、雕刻)人物像 vt.(美口語)認為, 判斷.(在心里)想像, 描繪

  be round in figure 呈圓形

  have a good figure 身材好

  figure out 解決;算出;想出;理解

  figure out a problem 算出一道題

  I couldn’t figure out who he was.我想不出他是誰。

  file [faɪl]n.公文柜;檔案(計算機)文檔

  fill [fɪl]vt. 填空, 裝滿

  Fill the glass with water.

  A big crowd filled the hall.

  Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.

  fill in 填寫;填充

  fill in the blank(空白表格)

  fill in the hole(洞)

  fill up 裝滿

  film [fɪlm] n. 電影;影片;膠卷vt. 拍攝, 把……拍成電影

  develop a film 沖洗交卷

  a film of dust 薄薄的一層灰塵

  Everything was covered in a film of dust.

  final [ˈfaɪn(ə)l] a. 最后的;終極的

  finance [ˈfaɪnæns]n.資金, 財政, 財務

  find [faɪnd] (found, found) vt. 找到, 發現, 感到

  I find it necessary to find a good map.

  When she came to, she found herself lying in bed.

  The teacher found herself surrounded by her students.

  I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.

  fine [faɪn]a. 細的;晴朗的;美好的;(身體)健康的 n.& v. 罰款

  finger [ˈfɪŋɡə(r)] n. 手指

  fingernail [ˈfɪŋɡəneɪl] n. 指甲

  finish [ˈfɪnɪʃ] v. 結束;做完

  fire [ˈfaɪə(r)] n. 火;火爐;火災 vi. 開火, 開(槍, 炮等), 射擊

  be on fire 著火了

  firefighter n. 消防人員

  fireplace [ˈfaɪəpleɪs] n. 壁爐

  firewood ['fairwud] n. 木柴

  firework [ˈfaɪəwɜːk] n. 焰火

  firm [fɜːm] n.公司;企業 a.堅固的,堅定的

  firmly [ˈfɜːmlɪ] ad. 牢牢地

  first [fɜːst] num. 第一 a.& ad. 第一;首次;最初 n. 開始;開端

  fish [fɪʃ] n. 魚;魚肉 vi. 釣魚;捕魚 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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