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2023-01-24 高考

(2) hand on…to…傳給,傳遞They will hand the photograph to those who have not seen it.

(3) hand out 發給大家;散發 The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson.

6. instead of 代替……

(1) instead of + n. / pron.

Give me the red one instead 0f the green one.

(2) instead of + doing

We walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

(3) instead of + 介詞短語

He studies in the evening instead of during the day.


(1) instead adv. 作為替代 (……而),代替 If Harry is not well enough to go with you, take me instead.

(2) rather than 而不是,與其……寧愿 He ran rather than walked.

(3) in place of 代替,……而不用The Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.

7. 含take的短語

① take a picture 照相,拍照

② take a taxi / bus, etc. 打的(坐公交車等)

③ take away 拿走,奪取,使離去

④ take care of 小心,照料,保管

⑤ take off 脫,去掉,取消,起飛

⑥ take out 拿出,帶……出去

⑦ take one's place 就坐,坐某人的座位,代替某人的位置

⑧ take place 發生,產生

⑨ take exercise 做運動

⑩ take a seat 坐下

? take turns 輪流

? take an active part in 積極參加

? take a message 捎口信

? take on 從事,呈現

? take the place of 取代,代替

? take apart 拆開

? take down 拿下,記下

? take...for... 誤認為……

? take in 吸收,接納

? take up 拿起.從事.占據

[例句] Father was convinced that Peter was unhappy at boarding school, and made arrangements to take him away. 父親確信彼得在寄宿學校不開心,決定把他帶走。/ Will you lake care of buying the wine for tonight's party? 你負責為今晚的晚會買酒水好嗎? / The boys got into the car and took off for the drug store. 男孩們進到車里,開車去了藥店。/ He took my place in the queue so that I could go and get something to eat. 他替我排好了隊,以便我能夠回


8. used to

(1) used to do sth. 過去常常……(現在已不如此)

We used to grow beautiful roses.


You usedn’t to make that mistake.

She didn't use(d) to do it, did she?

You used to smoke a pipe, didn't you? / use(d) n't you?

(2) be / get / become used to + n. / doing 習慣于

I have always been used to hard work.

He got used to living in the country.

(3) be used to do 被用來做……

This knife is used to cut bread.

表示“過去常常……”時,used to與would區別:

(1) would 只強調“過去常常……”,used to 說明現在不是如此。

The old woman would sit there for hours doing nothing.

(2) would 只接行為動詞,used to 可接行為動詞和表狀態的詞。如:be, like, know, have。There used to be a temple at the foot of the mountain.

9. watch out 當心;注意

You'll be cheated if you don't watch out.

(1) watch out for = look out for 提防;當心

You must always watch out for the traffic here!

(2) watch over 照看;看守;負責

The mother bird is watching over her young.

10. 含“動詞 + out”短語

① come out 出來,出版,傳出

② go out 出去,熄滅,不時興

③ look out 當心,注意

④ take out 拿出,取出,帶……出去

⑤ rush out 沖出去,匆忙大量生產

⑥ try out 嘗試,試驗

⑦ watch out 小心

⑧ wear out 穿破,用壞,(使)疲乏,消磨

⑨ find out 找出,查出

⑩ make out 填寫,完成.設法應付

? get out 出去,逃離,泄露,公布 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

