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2023-02-03 高考

【分析】其實此題最佳答案為A。so kind a person相當于such a kind person,注意兩者中冠詞的位置不同。be friends with是習語,意為“與……友好”、“跟……做朋友”,與之同義的類似地還有make friends with。值得說明的是,這類短語中的名詞總是用復數,即使句子主語為單數也是如此。如:

He is friends with me. 他與我是朋友。

He has made friends with everyone here. 他與這兒的每個人交上了朋友。

7. We already have ______ pencils, but we need two ______ pens.

A. dozen of, dozen B. dozens of, dozens

C. dozens of, dozen D. dozens of, dozen of

【陷阱】誤選 B。


(1) 當它與具體數字連用時,既不加復數詞尾-s,也不后接介詞of。盡管有的詞書也有 two dozen of 這樣的用例,但這已屬過時用法,在考試中應避免,如1992年全國高考有一道單項選擇題就認為two dozen of為錯誤選項:

Shortly after the accident, _____ police were sent to the spot to keep order.

A. dozens of B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozen [D]

(2) 當它不與具體數字連用,而是表示不確定的泛指數時,則不僅要加復數詞尾-s,而且要后接介詞 of,此時可將dozens of(許多,幾十)視為習語。如:

I’ve been there dozens of times. 我去過那兒幾十次。

She’s got dozens of boy-friends. 她的男朋友很多。


Pack them in dozens. 按打裝袋吧。

(3) 當與 a few, several 等數目不很具體的詞連用時,加不加復數詞尾-s均可,但需注意:不加復數詞尾-s時,其后的介詞of可以省略;加詞尾-s時,其后介詞 of不能省略。如:

several dozen (of) pencils=several dozens of pencils幾打鉛筆

注:英語較少使用many dozen的說法,要表示類似意思可用dozens of。

(4) 當它后面的名詞受 the, these, those 等特指限定詞修飾時,或其后的接的是us, them這樣的人稱代詞時,則此時必須用介詞 of。如:

two dozen of these eggs 兩打這種雞蛋

three dozen of them 它們中的3打

注:score, hundred, thousand, million等也具有以上類似用法。

8. She raised her finger to her lips as _____ for silence.

A. an idea B. a mark

C. a sign D. a word


【分析】應選C,sign與mark的區別是:sign 的意思是“跡象”、“征兆”gesture or movement made with the hand, head, etc, used to give information, a command, etc(用手或頭等做出示意動作以傳遞信息或命令等),mark 的意思是 written or printed symbol or figure, line etc made as signor an indication of sth(書寫與印刷的符號或圖、線等記號)。根據此二詞的語義區別以及常識可知答案為C。類似地,下面兩題的答案也是C:

(1) Those black clouds are a sure _____ that it’s going to rain.

A. thing B. mark

C. sign D. one

(2) Just as a famous Chinese saying goes, a timely heavy snow is a ______ of good harvest next year.

A. mark B. track

C. sign D. appearance


The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _____ of courage and power.

A. example B. sign

C. mark D. symbol


9. “May I take your order now?” “We’d like three black _______ and two green _______.”

A. coffee, cups of teas B. coffees, teas

C. cups of coffee, tea D. cup of coffees, teas


【分析】選B。有的同學認為 coffee 和tea是物質名詞,不可數,不能用 three coffees, two teas 這樣的表達。其實,coffee既可用作不可數名詞,表示“咖啡”這種物質,也可用作可數名詞,表示“一杯咖啡”,即在口語中 three coffees 就等于 three cups of coffee。同樣,“三杯茶”既可說成 three cups of tea,也可說成 three teas;“三杯啤酒”既可說成 three glasses of beer,也可說成 three beers。

10. _____ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

A. Walk B. Walking

C. The walk D. To walk



(1) 首先,選項D不如選項B佳,因為,不定式通常表示特定的動作,而動名詞才表示習慣性的動作。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

