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2023-02-04 高考

Edinburgh and King’s College London have stepped into the top 20 of the QS World University rankings. Cambridge, UCL, Imperial and Oxford all made it into the top10. But John O’ Leary, of QS, warned that unless the UK puts more funding into higher education its leading position could slip.
Edinburgh rose to 17th place from 21st last year and King’s College London to 19th from 26th in 2012.
The top UK university, Cambridge, was in third position, behind Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the top of the table and Harvard in second.
University College London(UCL) and Imperial occupied fourth and fifth places, with Oxford in sixth.
Universities in the United States made up the rest of the top 10.
“Clearly a UK degree is recognized by employers around the world, and the brand-name value of Oxbridge has so far survived any negative publicity following the high tuition fee,” said Ben Sowter, head of research at QS.
However, the rankings also suggest that UK universities struggle to keep up with the US when it comes to cutting-edge research.
Of UK universities, only Cambridge made the top 30 for research citations(引用), with UCL, Oxford and Imperial in the top 50.
“The UK invests below the OECD average in higher education, so it is unrealistic to expect its universities to continue to punch above their weight(勉為其難),” said John O’Leary, of the QS global academic advisory board. “The current success of leading institutions shows how important it is that the government matches the investments being made by other countries in order to keep their world-class status.”
56. According to the passage, which of the following universities tops the first in the world?
A. Oxford University.B. Cambridge University.
C. Edinburgh University.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
57. The passage implies that________.
A. the UK universities can match the U.S.A
B. the high education in UK is very successful
C. it’s important to receive education in the UK
D. the government of the UK should spend more money on education
58. The writer’s attitude towards the present situation of education is________.
A. objectiveB. negativeC. subjectiveD. optimistic
59. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Cambridge tops the first in the world.
B. A UK degree is still recognized around the world.
C. Edinburgh has stepped into the top 10 universities in the world.
D. The UK invests above the OECD average in high education.
In the 12 years I’ve spent coaching others, I’ve recognized patterns that hold us back from success. Here I share some of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned along the way.
1. You compare yourself with others
Whether it’s starting a business or learning a new skill, you will look at others who are much further down the road from you and expect your results to be similar to theirs, today. Since you cannot see the struggle, the mistakes and the hundreds of little improvements they made every single day, you suppose these never existed. By comparison you feel incapable and discouraged.
Shift your focus instead to where you are today compared to yesterday to get a more accurate picture of the progress you’re making.
2. ___________________.
You want those you care about to approve. You create a story that their approval means you’re on the right path. You don’t want to disappoint. And so you end up stuck by a rough comment, or an unenthusiastic reaction. I’ll never forget my uncle giving me a pained look while telling me, “Why are you still in London? Come back to Malta with your family.” Ouch that really hurt, but had I listened, I’d be stuck in a dead-end job, living a life that was killing my soul.
3. You wait for the “right” time.
You keep putting something off because it’s not the “right” time yet. You need to make a few more improvements, get more experience, learn a few more skills. You wait for the economy to improve, the weather to get better or for a sign that you should start. The right time is now. Only by starting will you discover what else needs to be done or improved, never before.
4. You suppose talent rather than persistence is the secret to success.
“If I had any talent, this would be much easier. I’m not cut out for this.” When you start your project, you discover it’s a steep uphill struggle to get where you want. You make it mean you’re lacking in some way, that maybe you should aim a little lower or try something easier. Don’t bury into this mindset. Anything you do will get easier the more you do it. So keep working at it and eventually you’ll find yourself at the top of that hill.
60. The first paragraph of the passage serves as ______.
A. an introduction to the topicB. an example to support the topic
C. a warning to readersD. a description of a personal story
61. In the eyes of the writer, you are unsuccessful for the reason that ______. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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