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2023-02-04 高考

Arzi points out that the research has proven a point about the workings of the sleeping brain. She will be pleased, of course, if clinical researchers adopt the method and improve on it.
68. According to the passage, volunteers smoked 30% fewer cigarettes probably because ______.
A. Arzi and Sobel tried to prevent them from smoking too much
B. they were exposed to the smell of cigarette smoke while awake
C. smoking too much will reduce the effect of their sleep learning
D. they were exposed to the smell of smoke and rotten fish while sleeping
69. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Arzi is best known for discovering the conditioned response.
B. We can respond to smells while we sleep without waking up.
C. Pavlov trained dogs to ring bells and recognize cigarette smells.
D. Memories from the previous day will get lost during NREM sleep.
70. The underlined word “ciggy” in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.
A. cigaretteB. fishC. dogD. bell
71. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Sleep Learning with Bell Could Reduce Salivation
B. Sleep Learning with Smell Could Reduce Addiction
C. How Arzi and Sobel Succeed in Giving Up Smoking
D. How to Change Bad Habits Through Sleep Conditioning
Mark Zuckerberg is the 30-year-old billionaire responsible for the creation of Facebook.
Mark was born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York. Mark developed an interest in computers at an early age. He began teaching himself how to code before the sixth grade. After creating small games for his own amusement, Mark moved on to far more complex efforts, including the popular board game “Risk.” Zuckerberg’s technical talent only increased as he entered high school, and it was his work on a plug-in for the Winamp MP3 player that eventually caught the interest of AOL and Microsoft.
Rather than become just another nobody in the corporate machine, Mark chose to create his own path by furthering his education at Harvard University. His first venture into the online world was a primitive website entitled Facemash, which essentially allowed his fellow students to compare their looks with those of the site’s visitors. Not surprisingly, Harvard was less than thrilled with the site’s practice, and quickly shut down both the site and Mark’s internet connection.
Shortly after the Facemash incident, Mark began working on a new site that would contact Harvard students via an online website. Entitled the Facebook, the site launched from his dorm room on February 15, 2004. The increasing popularity of the site convinced Mark and his roommate, Dustin, to expand the site to other schools, including Yale, Columbia and Stanford.
Later that year, Mark opened the Facebook up to schools across US and Canada. Great numbers of investors allowed Mark to change the name from The Facebook to just Facebook.
In September 2005, Mark launched a high school version of Facebook. Though he had plenty of opportunities to sell the site for ridiculous sums of money, Mark has bucked all industry expectations and insisted that Facebook is better off on its own. As he has said, “As a company we're very focused on what we’re building and not as focused on the exit. We just believe that we’re adding a certain amount of value to people’s lives if we build a very good product.” It’s consequently not surprising to note that Forbes once called Mark “the youngest billionaire on earth, and possibly the youngest self-made billionaire ever.”
72. What caused AOL and Microsoft to show interest in Mark?
A. His work on a plug-in for a MP3 player.B. The popular board game “Risk”.
C. A primitive website entitled Facemash.D. Some small self-entertainment games.
73. It can be learned from the third paragraph that Facemash ______.
A. cut off Mark’s internet connection
B. was essentially accepted by Harvard
C. was Mark’s first risky entry into the online world
D. was shut down because Harvard couldn’t make money out of it
74. Which of the following order best describes the shaping of Facebook?
a. The site entitled the Facebook launched from his dorm room.
b. Mark began working on a new site contacting Harvard students.
c. Mark opened the Facebook up to schools across the US and Canada.
d. Mark launched a high school version of Facebook.
e. Mark decided to change the Facebook to Facebook.
A. a-e-c-b-dB. a-c-b-d-eC. b-a-c-d-eD. b-a-c-e-d
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The Popularity of FacebookB. A Born Computer Talent
C. Mark — A Self-made BillionaireD. The Value of Facebook

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