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2023-03-06 高考

For a long time, this ineffective hiding method was ___24___ as evidence that children are hopelessly “egocentric” (自我中心的) creatures. But our ___25___ research results in child developmental psychology ___26___ that idea.

We brought young children aged 2-4 into our Minds in Development Lab at USC. Each ___27___ sat down with an adult who covered her own eyes or ___28___ . We then asked the child if she could ___29___ or hear the adult. Surprisingly, children replied that they couldn’t. The same ___30___ happened when the adult covered her own mouth: ___31___ children said that they couldn’t ___32___ to her.

A number of ___33___ ruled out that the children misunderstood what they were being asked. The results were clear: Our young subjects ___34___ the questions and knew ___35___ what was asked of them. Their ___36___ to the questions reflected their true ___37___ that “I can see you only if you can see me, too.” They simply ___38___ mutual (相互的) recognition and regard. Our ___39___ suggest when a child “hides” by putting a blanket over her head, it is not a result of egocentrism. In fact, children consider this method ___40___ when others use it.

21. A. following B. taking C. escaping D. directing

22. A. clever B. bad C. scared D. quick

23. A. exposed B. examined C. untouched D. imbalanced

24. A. supported B. guaranteed C. imagined D. interpreted

25. A. disappointing B. mixed C. surprising D. desired

26. A. explained B. confirmed C. contradicted D. tested

27. A. parent B. child C. researcher D. doctor

28. A. feet B. nose C. hands D. ears

29. A. see B. help C. reach D. fool

30. A. event B. thing C. action D. accident

31. A. Yet B. Now C. Soon D. Once

32. A. speak B. listen C. turn D. wave

33. A. instructions B. descriptions C. experiments D. assumptions

34. A. comprehended B. predicted C. explored D. ignored

35. A. partly B. honestly C. vaguely D. exactly

36. A. responses B. approaches C. contribution D. sensitivity

37. A. ability B. belief C. identity D. purpose

38. A. hold back B. relate to C. insist on D. make up

39. A. limitations B. requirements C. theories D. findings

40. A. tentative B. impressive C. creative D. effective

【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. D




考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:對他們來說,避開別人的目光,讓自己無法被別人看到,這是一件非常令人興奮的事情。A. following跟隨;B. taking取走;C. escaping避開;D. directing指導。根據上文“Young children across the globe enjoy playing games of hide and seek.”可知,兒童喜歡玩捉迷藏,避開別人的目光。故選C項。


考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:然而,我們都看到學齡前兒童非常不善于隱藏。A. clever聰明的;B. bad不擅長的;C. scared害怕的;D. quick快的。根據下文“They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies”可知,兒童不擅長隱藏,be bad at sth.表示“不擅長某事”。故選B項。


考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:他們通常只用手遮住眼睛,其余的身體暴露在外。A. exposed無遮蔽的;B. examined已檢查過的;C. untouched未受影響的;D. imbalanced失衡的。根據上文“They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of their bodies”可知,兒童只是用手遮住了眼睛,身體的其余部分無遮蔽,是暴露在外的。故選A項。


考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:長期以來,這種無效的隱藏方法被解釋為兒童是無可救藥的“自我中心”生物的證據。A. supported支持;B. guaranteed保證;C. imagined想象;D. interpreted解釋。根據下文“as evidence that children are hopelessly “egocentric” creatures.”可知,此處表示這種無效的隱藏方法被解釋為證據,證明兒童是以自我為中心的。故選D項。


考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:但我們在兒童發展心理學方面令人驚訝的研究結果與這一觀點相矛盾。A. disappointing令人失望的;B. mixed混合的;C. surprising令人驚訝的;D. desired渴望的。根據下文“research results in child developmental psychology _6_ that idea.”可知,研究結果與之前的觀點相矛盾,所以研究結果是令人驚訝的。故選C項。


考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:但我們在兒童發展心理學方面令人驚訝的研究結果與這一觀點相矛盾。A. explained解釋;B. confirmed證實;C. contradicted相矛盾;D. tested測試。根據下文“Our 19 suggest when a child “hides” by putting a blanket over her head, it is not a result of egocentrism. In fact, children consider this method _ 20 _ when others use it.”可知,研究結果與之前的觀點是相矛盾的。故選C項。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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