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2023-03-14 高考



揚州2015-2016學年高三第一學期英語期末考試試卷 >>>點擊查看

1-5 CBBCB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 ABCAB 16-20 CBCAB

21—25 CABCB 26—30 DABAC 31—35 DCDDB

36—40ADCAD 41—45 ACBBA 46—50 BDCCD 51—55 BBDAC

56—58 CDA 59—61 CBD 62—65 CDCA 66—70 DCCBA

71. leadership 72. Comparison(s)/Differences 73. purposeful 74.expectation(s)

75. process 76. experiment 77. surprising/unexpected 78. problem/trouble/difficulty

79. Conclusion 80. Despite

One possible version:

People are supposed to spend more time planning a life than planning a vacation. After all, rest and relaxation should be balanced so that personal achievements can be accomplished. Only with directed thought can one eventually succeed.

Planning life after high school is a must for every graduate. Attending a top university is my initial priority. College life, in my opinion, can help further my studies, and broaden my horizon. A quality education will sharpen my skills leading to even greater successes.

Achieving my goals, of course, needs practical action taken from now on. To prepare for success in college, I have been working extremely hard in high school. I believe I have laid the groundwork to be successful in college and I will direct my thoughts toward accomplishments in both the short and long term future. I strongly believe, with hard work and perseverance, a bright future is surely there for the taking. (153w)




56. C. 細節理解題。由第一段第二句可which offers certain amount of money to these organizations when its employee makes a personal donation得知C選項正確。

57. D. 細節理解題。A選項錯誤,religious groups不在可口可樂公司捐贈對象之內。B選項錯誤,由the tripling of employee donations can go a long way可知處理時間長。C選項錯誤,GE和Verizon的最低捐贈額為25美元。D選項正確,由through the matching of fundraising efforts for events such as walks, marathons, bike rides, etc.可知Google公司的員工可以以金錢以外的形式捐贈。

58. A. 寫作目的題。由文章第一句可以推知文章的目的是介紹非營利組織關于公司“匹配捐贈”要求。



59. C. 推理判斷題。第三段第一句告訴我們VLC可能解決部分通訊危機,第三句又說全球的照明基礎設施完備,可知Hass說全球有140億LED燈的目的是VLC能夠解決Wi-Fi危機。

60. B. 猜測詞義題。根據第四段最后一句a number of researchers have looked at using visible light to transmit data可以得知seize on的等于use。

61. D. 細節理解題。由LED streetlights could even be used to form a network of outdoor Li- Fi一句可知A選項錯誤。B選項錯誤,第六段最后一句中LED燈只是appear off,不是熄滅。



62.C.細節理解題。由第三段第一句中undergoes specific and dramatic development during adolescence得知C選項正確;由第一段得知孩子們不理解父母,因此 A 項誤;本篇文章并沒有指出青少年的一切事務都需要指導,B 項錯誤;由第四段最后一句的 the uncertainty of teenagers about who they are得知他們自己對自我的認知也并不確定,因此 D 項錯誤。

63.D細節理解題。由最后一段得知,孩子們希望得到父母們的認可,D 項正確;文章并沒有談到父母不喜歡與孩子們談話,A 項不正確; 由第三段During this development, there may be too many synapses(神經元突觸)for brain to work efficiently,B 項錯誤;由第四段得知真正的樂園是他們對自我認知的不確定性,C項錯誤。

64.C 細節理解題。由最后一段A teenager’s real focus is on a parent’s recognition of his maturity and capability and human value.得知C 項正確。

65.A。推理判斷題。由最后一段最后一句得知下一段作者將會介紹父母如何判斷與孩子們的關系。A 項正確。



66. D。推理判斷題。從全文來看都是一個場景的記載,沒有具體年代不屬于歷史。

67. C。細節事實題。根據第二小節He has made us rich可知A符合事實;根據第七小節It is time to take my mission to them等能夠明確B符合事實;根據最后一小節Now the Tree orders me to spread good in other lands等可以推測D符合事實。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:高考英語答案   2016高考英語答案   揚州高三英語期末試卷答案
