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2023-05-09 高考

ing the ir cities and h ighways to meet the needs of th is new generation ofcycling en thusiasts , andin a
worl d where green choices are the new must-have , averagecit izens are eagerly se iz ing the ir chan ce to
he lp m ak e the ir bod ies cleaner than ever be fore .
Becom e an EBTC Member .
The Edmon ton B i cycle and Touring C l ub ( EBTC) is a recreationa l not - for- profit
volunteer-run group devoted to promoting its m embers to cooperative ly run bicycling
trips during the spring , summ er and fall , cross-country skiing trips in the w inter , and
socia l events all the year round .We we l come both road bike and mountain bike riders !
Ben e fits o f Jo in in g EBTC:
 pportun ity to create the kinds of events you like : enjoy dozens of even ts all yearround , organ ized by
members like you !
Participation in the local cycling commun ity .
Use of cl ub bicycle tools on tour and library materia ls .
D iscoun ts at various bicycle shops .
Wh y Cy c le w ith a Group?
It’ s m ore FUN!
I t en cou rages you to com e ou t often and ge t hea lthy exercise w ithou t go ing to a gym.
Deve lop skills and ga in through the experience of others .
Meet new and interesting people w ith a common in terest in cycling .
 eet a f un -lov ing , energetic and d ifferen t group of ind ividuals who en joy ahealthy lifestyle .
En j oy the outdoor experience w ith the compan ionsh ip and security of a group .
Fo r m o re in form a tion on th e EBTC:
Phone the C lub Hotline at 780-424- 2453
E - m a il : jp ri [email protected] rnonton bicycle .com
Ma il us at :
Edmonton B i cycle &Tou ri ng C l ub
P .O.Box 52023
Garneau Postal Stn .
Edmonton , AB T6G 2T5 Canada
21 .hat’ s the advantage of cycli ng w ith a group ?
A .Meeting m ore new peop le . B.Participating in whatever events .
C.Having bicycles free of charge .D.En j oying d iscoun ts in a gym.
22 .e can in fer fromthe passage that the a i mof EBTCis .
A .to call for governments to produce more bi cycles
B.to m ake m oney by organ iz i ng bi cycling trips
C.to popu larize cycling by attracting more members
D.to look f or young volunteers for sporting even ts
23 .ow m any w ays can peop le ga in m ore in form at ion fromEBTC accord ing to the passage ?
A .Two . B.Three . C.Four . D.F ive .
When I was a h igh school student , m athem atics lookedlike a big hurd le ( 障礙) form e and
severa l of my classm ates .When we reached the n inth class , we got Mr .Iyer , astrict maths teacher
who was also our class teacher .He always stuck to h is d iscip line .We had to arrive on t i me , pay und
iv ided atten tion to h is lectures , and dared not neglect any of h is homework .
Even so , as our class teacher , we got to know hi m better .Noticing som e of us idgeting ne day as the m id -termexam s approached , he stopped solving a m athem atical problemto ask us why .“ There’ s too much to do ,”we sighed .“W e’ re afraid we’ ll never m anage to fin ish our revision be f ore the
exams .”
“ Noth ing is i mpossible ,”Mr .Iyer told us .“ Th is classroomis on the second floor .Do you have a problemreach i ng here ?”
We reacted w ith blank stares .
“ No , you don’ t !”he sa id , answering h is own question .“ You have a staircase to help you cli mb up to th is leve l .No one expects you to make it in two g iant leaps .You si mp ly take one step at a ti m e .Any task can be solved if you f ocus on the i mm ed iate act ion to be taken .The rest w ill take care of itself , if you keep at it .One step at a ti m e .That’ s the secret .”
Then he w ro te down an o ld m otto on the blackboard —the longest j ou rn ey starts w ith a sing le step.Hav ing heard h is sta ircase ana logy( 比擬) , w e und erstood why he asked us the quest ion and w e saw h i min a newl ight .
Most of m y classm ates scored d ist inctions in m aths .And I went on to become an English teacher .To th is day , whenever I pass on Mr .Iyer’ s invaluable adv i ce to my own students , they brighten up at the prospect of a lighter academ i c burden .
24 .hat can we learn fromthe first paragraph ?
A .Maths was d iffi cu lt f or most of the author’ s classm ates .
B.The students thought Mr .Iyer was not a good teacher .
C.Mr .Iyer would pun ish the studen ts neglecting h is d iscip li ne .
D.The students sho wed great fear to Mr .Iyer .
25 .he underlined word “ fidget ing”in Paragraph 2 probably m eans “ ”.
A .excited B.nervous C.hardwork ing D.ca l m
26 .hy d id the author and h is classm ates react w ith blank stares ?
A .Because they were too tired to understand what Mr .Iyer sa id . 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:高考模擬試題及答案   高考英語模擬試題及答案
