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2023-05-09 高考

32 .he first two paragraphs m a i n ly talk about .
A .the key to success B.the i mportance of read ing
C.what read i ng comprehension is D.how to develop a passion for read ing

33 .e can define read ing comprehension as .
A .a strong passion for read ing
B.the latest in f ormat ion in read ing
C.a very i mportan t factor beh ind the read ing
D.som eth ing that m akes peop le understand what they read
34 .he author develops the passage m ain ly by .
A .follow ing the natural ti m e order
B.presen ting op i n ions and giv i ng examp les
C.comparing the op in ions of d ifferen t peop le
D.present ing a cause and analyz ing its effects
35 .hat do you suppose the f ollow ing paragraph w ill talk abou t ?
A .Popu lar read i ng websites .
B.Famous peop le who love read ing .
C.The i mportance of read ing at school .
D.W ays to i mprove read ing comprehension .
第二節( 共5 小題; 每小題2 分,滿分10 分)
In the w inter months , most ch ildren spend the ir ti m e on video gam es .Spend ing the ir ti me on video gam es for a long ti m e is harm f u l to them.How you cantry your best to get themact ive and keep their m inds and bod ies healthy is very necessary and i mportant .36 ere are some ideas :
◆Take ou t som e o ld gam e s
After hours of be ing i ndoors , k ids w ill qu ickly get tired of the ir own gam es and toys .Take th is opportun ity to teach themthe old gam es fromyour childhood .Make up new ru les to re fresh the gam es and m ake themoriginal to your fam ily .37
◆ Cook to ge th e r
Cook ing is a great activity because the whole fam ily can get involved .38 ids can even practice the ir read ing sk ills by read ing the recipe a loudfroma cookbook .Cooking w ith ch ildren also encourages themto try new foods because they’ ve had a hand in making the fin ished product .
◆ Make us e o f th a t b ig pro je c t
You m ay have sp ri ng clean ing p lans , but get a head start on that big clean – out pro j ect th is w in ter .39 et your k ids involvedin clean ing the garage or paint ing the guest room.Once the project is comp le te , all of you w ill feel satisfied to work together .
◆ Go on anindoor adv en ture
Staying at hom e day after day is really dull and you m ay take part i n other activ ities w ith your k ids .40 ake a trip to an indoor ice skating or roller skating rink .You can also start a bow ling tournam en t w ith other fam ilies fromschool and the ne ighborhood .
A.Encourage your k ids to join in the project .
B.Set aside m ore hours f or your work .
C.Assign everyone a j ob , like m ixing or fry ing .
D.Most k ids en j oy ou tdoor activities in w inter .
E.Go to a sw i mm ing pool in a loca l gym.
F .Record the game ideas to p i ck ou t a f un activ ity later .
G.W ith a little creativ ity , you can prevent the w inter blues .
第三部分 英語知識運用( 共兩節, 滿分45 分)
第一節 完形填空( 共20 小題;每小題1 .5 分, 滿分30 分)
閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項( A、 B、 C 和 D) 中, 選出可以填入空白處
It is hard to decide wh i ch food to buy in an Am eri can grocery store these days .The in f orm ation
on m any products m akes 41 la i ms .The label “ organ ic ( 有機的)” 42 hat the Un ited States
Depart m en t of Agricu lrecogn izes the product is grown under specia l cond it ions .If the f ood is grown
43 , it shows the words “USDA organ ic”on it .Th is is an official labe l .
The f ood is grown w ithout chem i cal treat m en t against insects or 44 It isgro wn w ithout chem i
cal fertilizers .Bef ore a product is labe led “ organ ic ,”a( n) 45 v isits the farm where the f ood is
produced to m ake su re the farm 46 SDA standards .Organ i c m eat , eggs and da iry products com e
from 47 hat are given noan tibiotics ( 抗生素) , must be fed organ ic food and have 48 o the ou
tdoors .
No concl usive 49 hows that organ ic f ood is more nutritious than trad itionally gro wn food .And the USDA —even if it proves organ ic food —doesn’ t 50 eclare that these products are safer or more nu trit ious .Organ ic f oods meet the same 51 and safety standards as trad it ional f oods .The d ifference 52 o w the f ood is produced , processed and hand led.Som e peop le buy organ i c food for 53 easons .Organ ic food is produced by 54 ho emphasize the use of renewable resources .The prices between most organ i c f ood and 55 ood products vary .Higher prices are due to m ore expensive farm 56 A lot of work must be done every day . 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:高考模擬試題及答案   高考英語模擬試題及答案
