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2023-02-25 英語

41.too much與much too

二者都表示“太”,“非常”之意,much too為副詞詞組,修飾形容詞、副詞,但不可修飾動詞。It's much too cold.天氣實在是太冷了。too much作“太多”講有以下三種用法。
①作名詞詞組,如:You have given us too much.你給我們的太多了。

②作形容詞詞組修飾不可數名詞,如:Don't drink too much wine.不要飲太多的酒。

③作副詞詞組修飾不及物動詞,如:She talks too much.她說話太多。


①fairly主要與“令人有愉快感”的形容詞或副詞連用,如:good, bravely, well, nice等。而rather作此意解時,則用于“令人不愉快”的形容詞或副詞,如:bad, ugly等。如:Tom is rather lazy, but John is fairly diligent.湯姆很懶惰,而約翰卻相當勤奮。

②如果一個單數名詞有形容詞修飾,不定冠詞須放在fairly前面,而rather卻是放前放后皆可。如:This is a fairly interesting book.這是一本很有趣的書。This book is rather an interesting one.(同前)

③有些詞本身無所謂“令人愉快”或“不愉快”之意,如:fast, show, hot, cold等,說話人則可用fairly來表“贊許”,用rather來表示“不以為然”。

④fairly往往表示“恰到好處,恰當”,而rather含有“太過分,有過之”之意。試比較:This book is fairly easy for you to read.(正好合適你讀。) This book is rather easy for you to read.(太簡單以致不合適了)

⑤rather還可用在alike, like, similar, different等詞和“有”前,此時含義是“有點兒”或“稍微”之意。如:The weather was rather worse than I had expected.這天氣比我所預料的要糟糕些。

43.lively, living與alive

①lively adj. 生動的,活潑的,可作定語或表語。如:What lively colours!多么鮮艷的顏色啊! she is a lively girl.她是個活潑的姑娘。

②living adj. 活著的,健在的;n. 謀生,生計。如:living things生物;make a living謀生;earn one's living謀生度日;That man is still living.那人還健在(在世)。

③alive adj. 活的,活著的,表語性形容詞,一般可與living互換。若作定語,要放在所修飾的詞之后。如:That man is not dead, he is still alive.(=he is still living.)那人沒死,他還活著。He is the greatest musician alive.他是活著的最偉大的音樂家。

44.instead of, in place of與take the place of

①instead of是介詞短語,意思是“代替”,“而不是”,作介詞短語后接名詞、動名詞和賓格代詞;作連詞短語后接不定式(一般不省略to),謂語動詞、形容詞、副詞和介詞短語等。如:John will attend the meeting instead of his manager.約翰將代替經理出席這次會議。You should have some exercise instead of staying indoors all day long.你應多鍛煉身體,不要整天呆在家里。The temperature has risen up instead of fallen down.溫度上升了而并沒有下降。This is dull instead of interesting.這不但沒趣,反倒枯燥。

②in place of介詞短語“代替”,通常后接名(代)詞,可與instead of互換。如:People often use plastics in place of/instead of wood or metal.人們常用塑料來代替木材和金屬。但instead of sb./sth.可略去介詞of及其賓語,而in place of通常不能將其省略。

③take the place of動詞詞組,“代替”(職務,工作等),如:Most scientists agree that computers can't completely take the place of humans.大多數科學家認為,計算機并不能完全代替人。作“代替”解時,不可將the去掉或改換為one's,那樣會引起歧義,要注意區分。

45.pain, ache和hurt

這三個詞都和疼痛有關。ache和pain多作名詞,hurt只能作動詞。ache指“(人)身體疼痛”,往往用于持續的疼痛或因一些小病引起的感覺,常指“局部的”疼痛。back(背)、ear(耳)、head(頭)、heart(心)、stomach(胃)、tummy(肚)、tooth等詞與ache構成復合詞,表示身體部位的疼痛。如果指身體其他部分之疼痛則用pain或ache表示,如:a pain /ache inmy foot腳痛。單數ache可與不定冠詞連用,也可以不用不定冠詞,如:He has got an ache in his foot.他腳痛。He has aches on his back.他背上痛。ache也可作動詞,如:I ache all over.我全身疼痛。My head aches.我頭痛。pain指“肉體或精神上的痛苦、悲痛”,比ache要嚴重些,如:She is in great pain.她深為痛苦。The boy broke his arm and cried with pain.那個男孩摔斷手臂,痛得大叫。pain也可以當及物動詞,指“使痛苦”,如:My foot is still paining me.我的腳還在痛。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:表語   副詞   動詞
