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2023-04-13 高考




一. 人稱代詞

1. 主格和賓格

1) 通常,人稱代詞主格用做主語或表語;賓格用做動詞或介詞的賓語。句子的結構如有變


It was he who told a lie.

It’s not me (who / whom) he wants. (作賓語)

This is a secret;it's between you and me.(作介詞賓語)

2) 人稱代詞賓格可用在比較狀語從句一類的結構中代替主格。例如:

He is taller than me / I (am). I don't swim so well as her / she (does).

2. 兩種所有格


① 形容詞性的,如my, her, your, their等;

② 名詞性的,如mine,hers,yours,theirs等。由于受漢語影響,我們常犯以下兩種錯誤:

1) 漏用代詞,主要是形容詞性的物主代詞,因為漢語中常常將它省略。例如:

I have done my homework.(不能說 * I have done homework.)

We clean our classroom every day.(不能說 * We clean classroom every day.)

2) 誤用代詞,混淆兩種類型的物主代詞,因為漢語中無此區別。例如:

That dictionary is not mine.(不能說 * That dictionary is not my.)

Mine is here.(不能說 * My is here.)

注意:形容詞性的物主代詞只能用作定語,必須與名詞連用。例如 What's her name? I am your friend. 名詞性的物主代詞則可充當名詞所能充當的各種句子成分。如:

Your pen is black;mine is blue.(作主語)

You haven't got a bike?You may use mine.(作賓語)

但是its一般不能單獨使用。需要時可以用its own。如:

That's the cat's basket. It's its own.

3. 代詞做短語動詞賓語時的位置


He looked up the word in the dictionary. He looked the word up in the dictionary. He looked it up in the dictionary.

但如果是由“動詞+介詞”構成的介詞動詞,代詞作賓語還是要放在介詞之后。例如: He's been looking for them all this morning.

二. 反身代詞

1. “反身”用法


He hurt himself.(作動詞賓語)

Dick bought himself a new coat.(作間接賓語)

I heard Jane talk to herself.(作介詞賓語)

2. 強調用法


I went to see the mayor myself.(強調主語)

We spoke to the mayor himself.(強調賓語)

The mayor himself met us at the door.(緊隨主語之后)

The mayor met us at the door himself.(在句末)

3. 使用反身代詞時的常見錯誤


* Ourselves can do it.(誤作主語)

We can do it ourselves. 我們自己能干。

* I could hardly imagine that the car was himself.(誤作表語)

I could hardly imagine that the car was his own. 簡直難以想象那汽車是他自己的。

* That's myself problem.(誤作定語)

That's a problem of my own.那是我自己的問題。


I'm not myself today. (我今天不在狀態/感覺不好。)

In office myself, I helped her get a job.


三. 不定代詞

1. 用some還是用any

1) 一般說來,some用于肯定;any用于否定,例如:

There are some letters for you. There aren't any letters for me.


Have you any apples? (I can't see any.)

Could I have some of those apples? (which I can see.)

3) 注意其它方式的否定因素也可決定應該用any,如:

I don't think there are any letters.(主句動詞否定轉移,從句中用any。) The boy solved the problem without any difficulty. (介詞without含否定意味。) Oh! Any book will do;I just want something to read on the train.

Some boys haven't done their homework.(肯定有人沒做,盡管不一定知道是多少人。) 2) 疑問句中,一般用any,如問話人心中已經有“數”,或認為對方會做出肯定回答時,用4) any在表示“任何(人或物)”時,可用于肯定句中: 5) 當說話人心中有“數”(盡管可能不是具體數字)時,否定句中也用some,如: 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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