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2023-04-13 高考

6) any可用條件從句中,表示情況不明或未定,如:

Let me know if you need any help.(不知道對方是否需要幫助。)

試比較: Let me know if you need some help.(知道能如何提供幫助。)

2. all和both

1) all和both后面的of可有可無。

All / Both (of) the desks are new.

注:Both the desks... = Both of the desks... = Both desks...(the或of the可有可無)

2) 注意下列兩種句子里all/both的位置:

They all / both agree with me. I agree with them all / both.


3) all/both同頻度副詞一樣,可位于句中(主、謂語之間或謂語動詞結構之中),如:

They all / both came. They were all / both waiting.


3. either與neither


You've got two answers. Either is correct. Neither is wrong.

There are trees on either/each side of the street.

Neither of the books is worth reading.(=Neither of the books are worth reading)

4. nobody, no one, nothing和none

nobody和no one指人,作單數,后面不能接of 短語,例如:

Nobody/No one knows why she was late again.

Nobody was hurt in the match,were they?(反意疑問句中,可用復數代詞they來代替。) nothing指物,作單數;none指人或物,作單救或復數均可。none既可用于可數名詞,也可用于不可數名詞, 例如:

None of the money on the table is mine.

None of his reasons was/were true.

There's nothing on the table but a blue cap.

Of all my classmates, none likes dancing.

5. every與each


On every/each side of the square there were soldiers.

(The square has more than two sides。every side = each side =all sides表示“每邊、各邊”。) 試比較:

On either/each side of the road there were soldiers.

(The road has only two sides. either side= each side = both sides,表示二者之中“每一邊”。) 此外,each可作名詞性代詞,如:

Each has two books.(each作主語)

We each are satisfied with our own rooms.


6. other, the other和another

1) other表示“另外的(人或物)”,“其他的(人或物)”,其復數形式為others。例如: There are other ways of doing this exercise.

Lei Feng was always ready to he1p others.

2) the other表示兩者之中的“另一個(人或物)”,其復數形式為the others,例如:

He has a pen in one hand and a book in the other.。

Only three of the students were in the classroom;the others were all on the playground.


We must always be ready to help others.

3) another表示不定數目中的“另一個或類似的下個(人或物)”,還可與數詞連用,表示“再,


How about another cup of tea?

The strike may last another two weeks.

7. one

1) one只可用于指代可數名詞,其復數形式是ones。例如:

If you can't find your pen,use the one on the table.

What nice shirts!which one/ones shall we buy?


His knife seems sharper than mine.(不能用 my one代替mine)

They don't like this town;they want very much to go back to their own.(不能用 * their own one代替their own 或 their own country)


Have you any knives?I need a sharp one.

My old dictionary isn't as good as John's new one.

3) the/this/that one與that:


The weather in Wuhan is much warmer than that in Tianjing. (that不能用the one取代) that后面常接of短語,例如:

This dictionary is more expensive than that one.(that one=that dictionary. one一般不省略)

The window of your room is much bigger than that of mine.(that=the window,它后面有of短語,一般不用the one替代)

有時候the one和that可以互相取代,如:

The gold ring is in that box --- the one(=that)with the key in the lock.

4) one可以泛指人,相當于you,we,people,其所有格為one's。例如:

One should do one's/his duty. 2) one/ones通常不能直接用在their,my,his等物主代詞以及a(n),own,several和名 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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