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2023-04-13 高考

數 詞

1. 拼法需要當心的序數詞

在first,second和third之后的序數詞都由基數詞加 -th構成,但要注意以下拼法略有變化: twentieth, thirtieth,

2. 序號的表示

1) 基數詞放在名詞之后,通常寫作阿拉伯數,如:

page 4(P.4)讀作page four Room301讀作room three O [ou] one

Tel No.864412讀作telephone number eight six double four one two

the Eighth Lesson(=Lesson Eight) the First Middle School(=Middle School No. 1) fortieth… fifth eighth ninth twelfth.. 2) 序數詞放在名詞之前,通常前面要加定冠詞.如:

3. 數詞后面的名詞用單數還是用復數


They baby is only six moths old.

I have five pounds. This is a six-moth-old baby. I have a five-pound note.

4. hundreds / thousands / millions of + 名詞復數

hundred, thousand和million后加 –s與of連用,表示“數百、數千、數百萬”。

He has bought hundreds of books this year.

Thousands of seagulls arrived to help the farmers save their crops.

5. dozen和score

用法與hundred, thousand, million基本相似dozens of和scores of均表示“幾十個”。但有以下幾點區別:

1) 在接具體名詞復數時dozen后不加of,而score常與of連用。如:

two dozen books two score (of)books

three dozen of them 2) 若名詞被限定詞限定,dozen后應加of,接賓格代詞亦如此。 three dozen of those (the, my, those) books

6. 表示不定數量的常用單詞和詞組


1) (a) few 和(a) little

a few和a little與some的意思較接近,表示“有幾個;有一點”。few和little則表示“幾乎沒有(= almost none)”的意思。試比較:

She doesn’t seem very friendly; she has few friends。 (not many friends)

Although she has been here only a short time, she has made a few friends. (some friends) I can’t make a pie because there is little sugar. (not much sugar) There is a little sugar for your coffee. (some sugar) 2) 用fewer還是用less


數名詞前,但是在現代英語中,尤其是在非正式場合下,也常用less代替fewer;例如: If on1y there were fewer/less holes in the roof? 3) many + a + 名詞單數

many a后接可數名詞單數形式,表示“好些;許多”,多用于書面語或演講中。 Many a young man has had such a chance. (動詞用has) many a time則看作是固定詞組,表示“多次”。 That’s happened to me many a time.


在英語學習中涉及到倍數問題時, 常見以下三種倍數表達的基本句型:

(1) This street is four times the 1ength of that one.


(2) This box is three times as heavy as that one.

這個箱子是那個箱子的三倍重。 (這個箱子比那個箱子重兩倍。)

(3)The meeting room is three times bigger than our office.


句型(1)和句型(2)人們并不難以理解; 同學們也很容易接受,因為它們很符合漢語的翻譯習慣。但是, 句型(3)筆者卻認為漢語譯文是錯誤的。

句型(3)的譯法在我國英語界的一些書刊雜志上說法都不一致,似乎沒有定論。有的譯為 "是...的三倍大";有的譯為"比...大三倍"。甚至一些語法書、工具書和詞典都相互矛盾,舉幾例如下:

A pen is three times more expensive than a pencil.

"鋼筆比鉛筆貴三倍"詳見陳胥華的《英漢對譯指導》P.366,湖北教育出版社1981年6月1版。 Output of chemical fertilizer was more than 2.5 times greater. "化肥產量增長了

1.5倍(以上)" 詳見張道真《實用英語語法》P.102, 1979年8月修訂2版。

Our county's agricultural output is 11 per cent higher than that of last year.

"我縣農業總產值比去年增長百分之十一。" 詳見薄冰、趙德鑫合編的《英語語法手冊》1978年6月修訂2版(商務印書館)。

其實,句型(1)、(2)、(3)的三種表達法都屬同一種譯法,沒有任何區別。在使用句型(3)時, 產生翻譯錯誤的原因不外乎人們認為句中含有 "more than", 而根據漢語習慣去翻譯, 但在英語國家里絕不會出現這種混淆現象。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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