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2023-05-17 高考

be afraid + that-clause表示一種委婉的客套話, that可以省略。如:

I am afraid (that) I can’t go with you.

2. be glad后可接of, 不定式或that-clause. 如:

I am glad of your success.

I am glad to meet you. I am glad that you have passed the examination. Aren't you sorry about (for) what you've done? I’m sorry for you. We're sorry to hear that. 3. be sorry可接about或for, 也可按不定式或that-clause. 如:

4. be sure可接of或about,也可接不定式或that-clause。如:

We're sure of a warm welcome.

I was not sure about two things — the grammar and some of the idioms. Are you sure that he is honest? be worth表示“價值”時, 可直接接名詞。如: The used car is worth $300 at most. 還可接動名詞的一般式, 主語為動名詞的邏輯賓語。如: This book is worth reading. 在It is worth while這一結構中, it為形式主語,后面可用動名詞, 也可用動詞不定式: It is worth while visiting the place. It is worth while to visit the place. (= The place is worth visiting.)

形容詞worthy可作定語, 修飾名詞。 如a worthy team 1eader. 它與of連用可作后置定語。如:

an enemy worthy of his sword (劍); a cause worthy of support

作表語時, of后可接名詞。如:

This place is worthy of a visit. 也可接動名詞, 常用其被動式。如:

This place is worthy of being visited. (=This place is worth visiting.)

如不與of連用, 則可接動詞不定式的被動式。如:

This book is worthy to be read. ( = The book is worth reading.)


說明:在形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級中,我們所談到的所謂的冠詞 “the” 嚴格地說, 應該是副詞,但出于習慣或者是為了使語法術語簡單化,這里我們姑且仍將其稱為冠詞。

1. 形容詞最高級前一般要加定冠詞, 副詞最高級前可加可不加定冠詞。

2. 形容詞最高級前有時加不定冠詞或不加冠詞, 表示“非常”。如:

This is a most interesting story.

但如果這個名詞短語后面帶有一個表示范圍的短語或從句, 則要用定冠詞。即:

This is the most interesting story in this book (I've ever heard).

3. 表示兩者間“較„的一個”時, 形容比較級前需加定冠詞。如:

Which is the better of the two pianos?

5. worth, worth while和worthy

Who is the elder of the two brothers?

4. 一般說來, 在same之前要加定冠詞。如:

They are exactly the same.

We are of the same age. 又如在短語中: all the same, at the same time等。


The nearer an object is to us, the bigger it looks. The more they talked, the more excited they were.

(年輕人), the blind (盲人), the wounded (傷員), the dead (死去的人),當它們作句子的主語時謂語動詞通常用單數形式;但若是指一個人或抽象事物的形容詞則常用單數形式。 Generally, the rich is cruel to the poor.

The dead is his father.

The new is sure to take the place of the old.


1. sometimes, sometime, some time, some times

Sometimes是副詞, 意思是“有時”。如: My father usually goes to work by bike, but sometimes on foot. sometime也是副詞, 意思是“某個時候”。如: I saw him sometime in October. 用在將來時的句子里表示“某日”、“某時”。如: He will go to call on his uncle sometime next week.

some tome作為副詞詞組意為“某時候”,通常用于將來時;作為名詞詞組則是“一些時間”的意思。some times的意思是“數次”。如:

Let's have dinner some time next week. He has waited for some time.


1) rather一般用來表示消極的含義,如否定的、壞的、不理想的概念。而fairly一般用


Let’s go by bus. It’s rather cold outside. Her English is fairly good.

2) rather可與比較級(形容詞或副詞)連用,也可與too連用,表示a little(有點)、

slightly (稍微)的意思,fairly則不能這樣用。

a) 與比較級連用,“„„多了”

My brother is rather better today.

This dictionary is rather more expensive than that one.

b) 與too連用“有點„;稍微„”

This book is rather too difficult for the juniors and rather too easy for the seniors.

5. 在the + 比較級„the + 比較級„表示“越„就越„”這個結構中, 不管是形容詞還是副6. 在某些形容詞前加上定冠詞, 則表示同類人。如: the rich(富人),the poor (窮人), the young 2. fairly和rather 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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