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2023-05-17 高考

We had a fairly nice dinner, but the price is rather too high.

c) 當修飾名詞且有不定冠詞時,冠詞應該放在fairly前,rather之后。

如:a fairly pretty girl / rather a bad boy

3. 即可作形容詞又能作副詞的 “-ly”副詞的用法

1) 抽象與具體

a) deep和deeply一般說來,用于具體的情況時deep和deeply 均可(但deep更

常用); deeply用于抽象的情況。

He dived deep /deeply into the water. (具體)

I was deeply moved by his heroic deeds. (抽象)

b) high和highly

The bird is flying high in the sky. (具體)

He was highly thought of by the students. (抽象)

c) wide和widely

He opened his eyes wide. (具體)

English is widely used in the world. (抽象)

2) 習慣用法

a) easy與easily


go easy (寬容);go easy on (節省);take it easy (放松);easy does it (不著忙);get off easy (不受嚴厲懲罰);stand easy (休息);Easy come, easy go. (來的易去的快) 除習語外的情況,多用easily。例如:

This TV set can be easily moved about.

aloud ―大聲地‖,常與cry, shout連用;表示“出聲地”與silently相對。

The boy in the water is crying aloud for help. Please read the text aloud.

loud主要說明人的談笑聲音,常與speak, talk, laugh, say, shout連用。但如果說


He was about to speak loud when the naughty boy began to cry loudly.


Today she is very loudly dressed.

c) slow與slowly

在walk, run, climb, go, speak, read, burn以及how之后常用slow, 如:

How slow he climbs up the hill!


She eats more slowly of all the family.

d) quick與quickly


He ran as quick as I did at the sports meeting.

另外,在口語中, quick通常在詞組中作副詞,如在 Come quick(快點來)這樣的詞組中,但在正式寫作中,要求使用 quickly

b) aloud, loud, loudly

3) 意義相似,常可互換。

這樣的詞常見的有:clear / clearly; direct / directly; free / freely; bad / badly; quiet / quietly 等等。但值得注意的是,有些場合帶-ly的副詞通常表示方式,不帶-y的副詞通常表示結果。例如:

The door is closed tight.


常見的頻率副詞有always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never等。

1. 頻率副詞在句中通常放在行為動詞之前,系動詞、情態動詞或助動詞之后。如: I usually get up at six in the morning.

Li Ming is often late for school. We could hardy understand him. 在簡略答語和省略句中,則常放在系動詞、情態動詞或助動詞之前。如:

Can they usually find time for amusements?

Yes, they always can.

為了加強語氣,也可放在句首。其中often, seldom, hardly, barely, never在句首時,句子要倒裝。如:

Sometimes we play basketball, sometimes we play table tennis. Often did we warn them not to do so.


You seldom go to your uncle’s, do you? She can hardly read and write, can she? Please tightly close the door. He remembers the photo clearly. The photo has not come out clear. 2. 其中seldom, hardly, 和never常看作否定詞,因此在構成反意疑問句時,附加疑問句部

八、older和elder; farther和further

1. old的比較級和最高級有兩種形式,即older, elder和oldest, eldest。在就年齡作比較時和

修飾物時要用older, oldest。如:

I am one year older than you.

Mr. Smith is the oldest in the office.

My coat is older than yours.


My elder sister is at college.

He is my eldest daughter.

Who is the eldest of the three (sisters或brothers)?

下面一句最能說明兩者之間的區別: My elder brother is one year older than I.

離進行比較,即表示“更遠”、“較遠”時,美國英語常用farther, farthest, 英國英語中further較farther更常用。如:

He is too tired to go any further (farther).

The school is on the further (farther) side of the mountain.

2. far的比較級和最高級也分別有兩種形式,即farther和further; farthest和furthest。對距離further的主要意思是“進一步”(此時不能用farther代替)。如:

Don’t make any change till further notice. 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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