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2023-05-17 高考

Please wait for further information. furthest現在已很少使用了,對距離或者是程度比較都常用farthest。如:

She is the farthest advanced of all my students. Who ran (the ) farthest?



1. many, much, a lot, a good (great) dea1, far (by far) 等表示“„得多”,如:

We are making far greater progress now than we did last year.

She looks much younger than she actually is. Joan made a lot more paper flowers than Mary.

I have got some more books, but not enough. Have you got any more money from him?

3. a little, a bit表示“稍許”,“一點兒”。如:

May I stay here a little longer? This lesson is a bit more difficult than that one.

4. still, even等表示“甚至更”、“還要”。如:

Tom studies harder than Jack. Peter studies even (still) harder.

5. 當副詞all修飾比較級時,前面應加定冠詞the,意思是“越發地„”

When I learned that he was a boy of not more than ten, my wonder was all the greater.

6. 在比較句型more than的結構中應注意以下幾點

1) 表示“弱化比較”意義的形容詞無論是多音節還是單音節,一概用less。例如:

My father is less angry than yesterday. (我爸爸的氣較昨天消了一些。)

2) no + 比較級 + than表示“只有”“僅”“就那么„„”或“一樣”。如:

My whole school education added up to no more than one year. I could see no more than you. That boy is not more than fifteen, I think.. 請注意下面的句子 They designed a device (裝置) no bigger / not bigger than a match box.

用no bigger than表示這一裝置“僅一個火柴盒那么大”;用not bigger 表示這一裝置“還沒有一個火柴盒大”。

4) no more…than或not…any more than“和„一樣地不„”,意味著兩者都否定,但往


Mary is no more diligent than Tom. = Neither Mary nor Tom is diligent.


5) not more… than“不如„;不及于„”,語氣常著重于后面的一個分句,常可與“not

so / as … as”互換使用。例如:

This story is not more interesting than that one.

= This story is not so/as interesting than that one.

7. 用數字表示確切的量或倍數關系。如:

2. some, any表示“一些”。some用于肯定句,any用于否定句或疑問句。如: 3) not + 比較級 + than表示“不比”,“不足”。如:

There are 10 more students in our class than in Class 2.

Mr. Johnson is three years older than his wife.



1. A + be (或謂語動詞) + 數詞 + times + as + 形容詞原級 + as B.

This playground is three times as large as that one.

2. A + be (或謂語動詞) + 數詞 + times + the + (size, weight, length, width, depth, height,

number…) + of + B.

This playground is three times the size of that one. This playground is twice larger than that one. 以下句子的意思是相同的。 This street is four times the length of that one.

= This street is four times as long as that one.

= This street is four times longer than that one.

= This street is four-fold longer than that one.

注意:但若表示“比„大 (長、寬、重、高、深„等)多少”,須用“數字%+比較級+than”來表達。上句還可轉換為:

This street is 300% longer than that one.

(這條街比那條街長三倍/百分之三百。或:這條街是那條街四倍長) 3. A + be (或謂語動詞) + 數詞 + times + 形容詞比較級 + than B.


許多形容詞可以與某些詞(組)或結構搭配構成形容詞短語。當這些短語在句子中作名詞的修飾語時, 應該后置, 其語法功能相當于一個省略形式的定語從句 (限制性或非限制性均可), 也就是說后置的形容詞短語相當于省去 "which/who/that + be" 之后保留下來的表語。這種形容詞短語的構成方式大致可以分為以下幾種:

一、 兩個或兩個以上的形容詞可以在一起由and或but連接而構成形容詞短語。這種短語作后置定語時, 一般修飾具有泛指意義的名詞。如:

He is a man rude but henpecked.他是一個粗暴而懼內的男人。 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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