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2023-08-26 心得體會大全


jane eyre by charlotte bronte

(book report)

as we all know, jane eyrewas charlotte bronte’s representative works .it was also a milestone works in english literature.after i was published in 1847, it arouse a blow to english litrature.

although it had caused some critics ,it also received popularity among the public. charlotte bronte was born in yorkshire, england on april 21, 1816. charlotte’s father was a poor pastor in her hometown, and her mother was a quite housewife.

she was the third of the children. her two sisters, emily and anne, were also the famous authors. so they were commonly called “the three sisters of bronte” on literature history in england.

when charlotte was very young , charlotte’s mother died of cancer. because of her father’s tiny incomes, she lived a hard and unfortunate life when she was young . but soon her sisters and her were sent to cowan bridge, a school which her health and physical development was permanently affected because of the outbreak of tuberculosis, charlotte was brought home, and then charlotte read a lot of books in her father’s book-room and began to try to writ something creatively on the literature.

when she was fifteen years old, she left her hometown and returned to school for study .and then several years later, she became a teacher at the school. then she left the school and become a private governess , and at the same time, wrote some literatures.

due to the deaths of her sisters, left her feeling dejected and emotionally isolated. in 1855, she died of pneumonia, while pregnant..jane eyre was not her first book but her first published masterpiece.







jane eyre told us the story that jane eyre was raised by her cruel, wealthy aunt, mrs. reed. her uncle had passed away.

at lowood, jane met a young girl named helen burns who shared a lot with her and became her best friend. a massive typhus epidemic sweeps lowood, and helen died of it.. after a group of more sympathetic gentlemen takes brocklehurst’s place,.

jane spends eight more years at lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher. then she accepts a governess position at a manor called thornfieldwhich’s employer is a dark, impassioned man named rochester, jane found herself falling in love with him. on the wedding day , jane found that rochester already had a wife, bertha .

rochester does not deny this, but he explains that bertha had been already mad. knowing that it is impossible for her to be with rochester, jane left thornfield sadly.without food and money, jane was forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food.

at last, three kind hearted people took her in. their names are mary, diana, and st. john and jane quickly became friends with them.

they found jane a job teaching at a school in morton. one day a news said that her uncle, john eyre, has died and left her a large roperty. then she found that her uncle was also their uncle.

jane immediately decides to share her property with her three new cousins.st. john decided to travel to india, and he asked jane as his wife.

she refused to marry her cousin because she did not love him at all. finally she found the man who she really loved so much was rochester.jane immediately went back to thornfield and found that it hadbeen burned to the ground by his mad wife who lost her life in the fire.

rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands.at ferndean, rochester and jane finally got married. at the end of the story, rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth.

then they lived a happy life forever. 《簡愛》告訴我們這樣一個故事,把她《簡愛》是殘酷的,富有的阿姨,里德夫人。她的叔叔就去世了。

羅瓦德,簡遇到了一個叫海倫的小女孩,她被燒死了很多,有時和她在一起,成為她最好的朋友。一個巨大的傷寒疫情掃羅沃德,海倫死于它. .









after reading the novel,the image in the story may catch our attention. for instance,the fire image appeared in the story for dozens of times in different chapters.but no matter where it was put, it had symbolic meanings in some chapters, it was the symbol of warmth and happiness ,while in other place it was the symbol of humanity and friendship, sometimes it even represented destrutive power.

in the story, the fire image impressed us a lot while reading it,we could say fire is a symbol of human civilization and forcus of the social and family life.thus, fire plays an important role in the frame of the novel. at the,fire was the symbol of warmth and happy family life .

jane eyre who was a strongwilled woman, tried her best to fight for her own happiness and love as well as freedom,for example “now,let me leave you an instant to make a good fire?” , in this sentance we can see that rochester saw the magic power of “fire” in love ang this became a critical element to promote their.thus, life was impartable from the fire,once the fire died out,thewould be disappearing.

fire existed everywhere in this great novel ,when jane and helen were invited to dinner by mr.temple,the fire also plyed an important role as janeeager to win the friendship of the others and it could make her felt warm and comfortable.trough reading the novel ,it was easy to know that the love between jane and rochester was not **ooth because true love should stand the test of fire .

facing rochester’s prpose,jane on the top of the sky and it seemed that her spirit was lifted.but this feeling just last a short period of time as the news that rochester had got a wife almost drove jane mad.the fire of love was set up but put out .

but the fire set up again years later as the love between them had never fade away. 讀完這本小說,鏡子里的影像故事可以吸引我們的注意力。例如,火災圖像在故事的不同章節中出現了幾十次。







people alwaysthe beautiful aspect of the fire ,but they never knew that fire was a terrible thing . it bring us happinessbut it also could give us disaster.in the novel,rochester’mad wife set s fire and lost her life .

rochester also lost his property and eyesight in order to save her wife’life.that is to say .this fire destroyed life ,fortune and health.

in all, we an see that fire had two opposite aspects.on the one hand ,it made the world warm ,harmonious,wonderful. but on the other hand , it can destroy life ,fortune and health.

in addition, jane’s personalityfire, she was kind hearted and sentimental and she also hadcharacter. thus , it was this kind of “fire” that made her independent nd happy again. it was easy to see that throughout the story.

jane eyre behaved strong-minded enough toher love and brave enough to seek her own independence. these are all the reflections of fire in her deep heart. though lived in a cruel society and suffered from abuse, she never gave up, because the fire was always on in her heart which prevented her from giving into the convention.

精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

