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2023-02-17 英語

[正] Most stories in this book are written in English.?

[析] "大多數"一詞的表達法有most of the +名詞,或most+名詞。當用前一種結構時,其后面的定冠詞不可少。?

[誤] The temperature of that room is higher than this room.?

[正] The temperature of that room is higher than that of this room.?

[析] 比較級用于兩句話之間時,比較的部分不可省略掉,但為了避免重復,一般都要用that代替前面的單數名詞,而用those代替前面的復數名詞,如:The books in that box are bigger than those in this box。?

[誤] He is no more here. Maybe he is at home.?

[正] He is no longer here. Maybe he is at home.?

[析] no more在現代英語中多譯為:"從此再也不會了",如:His voice is no more here. 他已經去世了,他的聲音不可能再出現了。而用no longer 表達目前的狀態。要注意下面幾組句子的實際含意:?This room is no cleaner than that one.即兩間屋子都不干凈。(兩者都不干凈) This room is not cleaner than that one,即這屋子不如那間干凈。(前者不如后者干凈。即一間干凈,一間不干凈。)?

(三) 例題解析?

1? I think Chinese is ___ than maths.?

A. interesting B? more interesting?

C. most interesting D. the most interesting ?

[答案] B. ?

[析] 在有than作比較的句子中應用形容詞的比較級。?

2? - What does Lucy like better, singing or dancing??

- Singing. of course. She's known to ___ it.?

A. be good at B. be good for

C. be bad at D. be bad for ?

[答案] A. ?

[析] be good at為固定搭配,意為"擅長作某事"。初中英語中有些這樣的固定用法應記牢,而不能似是而非。如:?be good at, be bad at, be poor in, be week in, be fit for?

3? The Huang He River is one of ___ in China.?

A. The long river B. the longest river?

C. the longest rivers D. the longer river ?

[答案] C. ?

[析] 在one of + 定冠詞+最高級之后的名詞應用復數形式。?

4? The girl was ___ afraid ___ she threw her bag away.?

A. so, that B. too, to C. too, that D. enough, to ?

[答案] A. ?

[析] so…that為"如此怎樣以至于如何",此句意思是:小女孩如此害怕以至于扔下包跑掉了。而too…to的意思為"如何如何,以至于不能作某事"。但to的后面是動詞原形,而不是從句。?

5? It was ___ yesterday than today.?

A. hot B. hoter

C. hotter D. the hottest ?

[答案] C. ?

[析] 用than表達比較的句中應用比較級 。?

6? Which subject do you like ___ , English Chinese or maths??

A. best B. well

C. better D. good ?

[答案] A. ?

[析] 在兩者之間應用比較級,而在三者之間或三者以上用最高級。?

7? None of the students watched it ___ .?

A. careful enough B. enough carefully

C. carefully enough D. enough careful ?

[答案] C. ?

[析] 首先應判定是選用用來修飾名詞的形容詞還是用來修飾動詞的副詞。這里是修飾watch這一動詞,應選用副詞。當enough用來修飾副詞或形容詞時應放于被修飾的形容詞或副詞之后。?

8? ___ she eats, ___ she'll be.?

A. More…fat B. The more…fatter?

C. More…the fatter D. The more…the fatter ?

[答案] D. ?

[析] the+比較級表示"越來越……"本句應譯為:她吃得越多,她就會越胖。?

9? I don't think English is ___ Chinese.?

A. as important as B. not important as?

C. not so important D. important as ?

[答案] A. ?

[析] think+賓語從句時,應采用否定主句的形式,如:中文講,"我認為你不對",英文應為:"我不認為你對"。 I don't think you are right. 所以不能選答案B。而C、D均為不正確的表達法。?

10? Miss Gao is a good English teacher. The students in her class ___ English.?A. are interested in B. are interesting in?

C. are interested at D. are interesting to ?

[答案] A. ?

[析] 過去分詞常用來修飾人,而現在分詞常用來修飾物,如:an interesting book, 實際上過去分詞含有被動之意,如:interested 其含意是"被……所吸引,感動"。而interesting 則為"使人感興趣的",如:an interesting man 一個有趣、風趣的人。?

11? The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel ___ .?

A. alone B. lonely

C. happily D. friendly ?

[答案] B. ?

[析] alone意為"獨自的,一個人的",它只能作表語不能作定語。I am not alone in doing such a thing.而lonely 意為"寂寞的,孤單的",如:The old man felt lonely. 要體會兩個詞的區別,如:The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely.? 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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