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2023-02-17 英語

[誤] Please tell me where the shoes shop is??

[正] Please tell me where the shoe shop is.?

[析] 在用名詞作修飾詞來修飾另一名詞時,這個作修飾詞的名詞應用單數形式,如:?

a shoe shop 鞋店

a fruit shop 水果店

a book shop 書店?

a post office 郵局

a police station 警察局

a bus stop 汽車站?

[誤] He is weak at physics.?

[正] He is weak in physics.?

[析] 在表達擅長于作某事時用be good at something, 而其反意詞為be bad at something, 但be weak in something。?

[誤] This dictionary is worth to buy.?

[正] This dictionary is worth buying.?

[析] be worth 后可接動、名詞表達值得作某事,又可接價格、金錢表示值多少錢。?

[誤] Don't afraid of that.?

[正] Don't be afraid of that.?

[析] afraid 在英文中是形容詞而不是動詞。這樣的詞組還有:?

be afraid of 害怕 be careful of 小心?

be certain of 有把握,確定 be sure of 確信?

be glad of 高興 be sick of 厭惡?

be fond of 喜歡?

[誤] The work has already been done well.?

[正] The work has already been well done.?

[析] well 與badly作副詞時,表示好壞,如果句子是被動語態,則應放在過去分詞之前,如:This machine has been badly damaged. 如果句子是主動語態,則應放于句末,如:I did my homework well.?

[誤] We are yet in the classroom now.?

[正] We are already in the classroom now.?

[析] already主要用于肯定句,而yet多用于否定句和疑問句中,如:

Did you finish it? No. not yet.?

[誤] Look. Here comes he!?

[正] Look! Here he comes!?

[誤] Look! Here the bus comes!?

[正] Look! Here comes the bus!?

[析] 在句子開頭用Here時,如主語是人稱代詞則不要用倒裝語序,如果主語是名詞則要用倒裝語序。?

[誤] She is my older sister.?

[正] She is my elder sister.?

[析] elder 和eldest是用來指家庭中兄弟姐妹的長幼關系,而older, oldest 則是指歲數大多少,如:She is three years older than I.?

[誤] I'm tired. I can't go further.?

[正] I'm tired. I can't go farther.?

[析] far有兩個比較級 farther 較遠的,further 進一步的,如:Do you need any further explanation? 你需要進一步的解釋嗎?當然它也有兩個最高級。farthest和furthest.?

[誤] I went to Beijing University five years before.?

[正] I went to Beijing University five years ago.?

[析] ago常與過去時連用,而before則多與完成時連用。?

[誤] - Have you finished your homework??

- No, not already. ?

[正] - Have you finished your homework??

- No, not yet. ?

[析] 仍然有三個英文字可以表達它們是already, yet 與 still。 要注意的是 already經常用于肯定句中,如The bus has already gone。 而yet 多用于疑問句和否定句中,如:Have you finished your homework yet? 而still則常用于主語與謂語動詞之間,如:We still can't decide what to do. 但也有時用于be 動詞之后,如:He is still here.?

[誤] He is very higher than I am.?

[正] He is much higher than I am.?

[析] much可以用來修飾比較級,而very則用來修飾形容詞原級,如:I'm very tired.

[誤] - Can I walk to the station??- You'd better not. It is very far. ?

[正] - Can I walk to the station??

- You'd better not, It is a long way. ?

[析] for一般用在疑問句與否定句中,如:How far is it from here to the station? 又如:It isn't far.?

[誤] I've ever been to America.?

[正] I've been to America once.?

[析] once 多用于肯定句,而ever則用于疑問句,否定句,及條件狀語從句中,如:Have you ever been to London??

[誤] - Could you pass the exam this time??

- No, I am not afraid so. ?

[正] - Could you pass the exam this time??

- No, I'm afraid not. ?

[析] 在肯定的答語中我們可以用so來代替上句所講的事件,如:Do you think she is a good student? Yes I think so, /I hope so, /I believe so/ I'm afraid so.但在否定的答語中,英語口語的習慣用法則有所不同,如,I don't think so 而在hope, belive 與 afraid后則常用not, 如:I hope not.?

[誤] She didn't work enough hard, so she couldn't pass the exam.?

[正] She didn't work hard enough, so she couldn't pass the exam.?

[析] enough 可以作名詞用,如:Enough has been said for how to learn English well. (對于如何學好英語已經講的足夠多了。)?另外它可以作為形容詞,如:I have enough money (or money enough) to buy this dictionary. 注意 enough作為形容詞時即可放于名詞前又可放于名詞后,在初中范圍的考題中多用于名詞之前。如果enough 作為副詞用,那么它一定要放在被修飾的形容詞或副詞之后。? 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

Tags:形容詞   副詞   比較級
