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2023-02-17 英語

[析] in the end=at last 意為"最終,終于",表達經過若干努力而達到的結果。而at the end是在某事的結束時如何如何,如:At the end of class, the teacher gave us some story books。?

[誤] I will come here to help you each three days.?

[正] I will come here to help you every three days.?

[析] every three days 為"每三天",即每隔二天,而every other day為每隔一天。

[誤] He didn't go to the cinema yesterday. and I didn't go, too.?

[正] He didn't go to the cinema yesterday and I didn't go either.?

[析] 英語中表示"也",有4個字,also, as well, too, either,但either用于否定句中,而前3個用于肯定句中。在肯定句中too與as well一般要用在句尾,而also則可用于句中。如:She went to the party and her boy friend went there too. 又如: I've also read her other novels.?

[誤] We should help the poor girl in anyway.?

[正] We should help the poor girl in any way.?

[析] anyway為"不管怎么"講,"無論如何",如:What a terrible accident, anyway no one was hurt.?

any way 為"任何方式"。這種常見的錯誤還發生在以下幾組詞中,如:?

everyday 日常的 every day 每天?

faraway 遙遠的 far away 遠離?

altogether 總計 all together 一塊,大家一起?

already 已經 all ready 全準備好了?

[誤] You can come to the doctor's at anytime.?

[正] You can come to the doctor's at any time.?

[析] anytime 是副詞 而any time中的time是名詞。?

[誤] She said nearly nothing.?

[正] She said almost nothing.?

[析] nearly 與 almost的含意相近,在很多場合可以互換,但在否定詞前用almost。

[誤] There are too much mistakes in your homework.?

[正] There are too many mistakes in your homework.?

[析] too much 后接不可數名詞,如:There is too much water for the flowers. 而too many 后加可數名詞,much too 后面加形容詞,如:It is much too difficult to learn English well.?

[誤] It is late enough that we can go home now.?

[正] It is late enough for us to go home now.?

[析] 要注意的是enough后面一般不接從句而接不定式,或不定式的復合結構:for somebody to do something。?

[誤] The twins are very alike.?

[正] The twins are much alike.?

[析] 用a為首字母的形容詞不能用very修飾,一般要用much來修飾。?

[誤] - How long does he write to his parents??

- Once a week. ?

[正] - How often does he write to his parents??

- Once a week. ?

[析] 英文與中文表達法不同,隔多長時間辦一次某事,實際上問的是該事發生的頻率,所以要用how often。?

[誤] As soon as I arrive in New York, I'll call up you.?

[正] As soon as I arrive in New York, I'll call you up.?

[析] 當動詞詞組的賓語是人稱代詞時則一定要放于動詞之后,如果是名詞則可以放在詞組其后。?如:I want to watch TV. Please turn on the TV. 也可以講: Please turn the TV on.?

[誤] He drove quickly his new car.?

[正] He drove his new car quickly.?

[析] 副詞在句中的位置很活,但主要有以下幾種用法:①實意動詞之前,如:He quickly give me the answer. ② 在be動詞之后,如:The little boy is often late for class. ③ 第一助動詞之后,如:This book has almost been finished. ④ 在單獨使用的be動詞和助動詞之前,如: Can you help me this afternoon? ?I certainly can.?但是無論如何也不能將副詞置于動詞與賓語之間,如果是賓語從句或是很長的名詞


He heard clearly what the teacher said.?

[誤] The children came late yesterday to the cinema.?

[正] The children came late to the cinema yesterday.?

[析] 表示一定長度的時間的副詞不應放于句中,可放于句尾。如果表示強調則可放于句首。

[誤] You have few new books, haven't you??

[正] you have few new books, have you??

[析] 英語中的數量形容詞有兩組。修飾可數名詞的有few(很少,幾乎沒有),a few(有一些,幾個);修飾不可數名詞的有little (很少,幾乎沒有),a little(有一點,有一些)。要注意的是當few和little用于句中時應看作否定句,而 a few 和a little 用于句中時則應看作是肯定句。

[誤] He spent quite little money on his food.?

[正] He spent quite a little money on his food.?

[析] quite a 為一固定用法,其意為"十分,相當,所以"。 quite a few=many, quite a little=much 而only a little=little, only a few=few.?

[誤] Do you want to have many bread??

[正] Do you want to have some bread??

[析] some與any都可以用作形容詞、副詞或代詞,在一般情況下,some用于肯定句,any用于疑問句和否定句,但在希望得到肯定答復時,應用some。 其次是some 可以用來修飾可數名詞和不可數名詞。? 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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