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2023-02-17 英語

[析] 由連字符連接若干名詞、數詞……組成的形容詞,在學習時要記住兩點,其一是這些詞中的名詞都不要用復數形式,如:two?thousand?word report(兩千字的報告);其二是這樣構成的形容詞只能作定語,即用于名詞之前,而不能作表語。?

[誤] The foreigners like those little beautiful Chinese paintings.?

[正] The foreigners like those beautiful little Chinese paintings.?

[析] 在名詞前若有幾個形容詞作修飾語時,其順序如下。?

1. 指示代詞,定冠詞 2. 數量詞 3. 性質詞 4. 大小? 5. 形狀 6. 老少,新舊 7. 顏色 8. 材料?


如: What a pretty little white horse!?

Those first few short English stories were not difficult to understand. ?

[誤] The best way to learn English good is to speak with Englishman every day.

[正] The best way to learn English well is to speak with Englishman every day.

[析] good是形容詞,這里是修飾動詞speak的,所以應用副詞well,但well作形容詞講時只作身體好。如:He is well.(他身體很好)。He is good.(他是個好人)。?

[誤] The children play on the grass nappyly.?

[正] The children play on the grass happily??

[析] 多音節y結尾的形容詞變為副詞時應將y變為i再加ly.?

[誤] The teacher looked angry at the students.?

[正] The teacher looked angrily at the students.?

[析] 英語中感觀動詞后面要接形容詞,這時它是修飾主語的,如:The food smells good.食物聞起來很香。The teacher looked angry 老師看起來很生氣。? 而此句的意思為:"老師生氣地看著學生",所以應用副詞形式。?

[誤] He worked with me friendly.?

[正] He was friendly to me.?

[析] 不是所有結尾是ly的詞都是副詞,但friendly是形容詞,這樣的詞還有lovely, lonely, costly, lively…monthly weekly…。但其中有些詞既是副詞,又是形容詞,如:early, hourly, monthly…?

[誤] You can speak free in front of your friends.?

[正] You can speak freely in front of your friends.?

[析] free作為形容詞意為"自由的,有空閑的,免費的"。作為副詞講則是"免費"之意。而freely作為副詞則是"自由的,隨便的"。這些要注意的詞還有:?hard 努力,艱苦 hardly 幾乎不 late 遲,晚?lately 最近的,最新的 near 近 nearly 幾乎?like 像 likely 幾乎?

[誤] They must have arrived till now.?

[正] They must have arrived by now.?

[析] by now是用于表達到目前為止某一動作已經發生,所以應用瞬間動詞。而till now是強調某一動作一直持續到現在,所以一定要用持續性動詞。?must have+過去分詞是對過去某一事情所作的肯定推測。?

[誤] Someone called you right now.?

[正] Someone called you just now.?

[析] just now有兩個意思,其一是"剛才",其二是"現在",而right now只能用于現在的狀態。just則用于完成時態,如: I have just finished my homework.?

[誤] My father will be back from America at present.?

[正] My father will be back from America presently.?

[析] presently有兩個意思:其一是最近,不久,其二在美語中是現在之意,與at present相同。而for the present為暫時,如: I teach English in the school for the present.

[誤] I'll be back at the moment.?

[正] I'll be back in a moment.?

[析] at the moment 其意為"現在,當時",而in a moment意為"馬上過一會",與in a minute意思相近。?

[誤] The train from Shanghai will arrive here in time.?

[正] The train from Shanghai will arrive here on time.?

[析] on time為"準時",而in time有兩個含意。其一是"及時",如:The doctor arrived in time。其二是"將來,終究"。?

[誤] I met an old friend sometimes last month.?

[正] I met an old friend sometime last month.?

[析] Sometime 過去,或者將來某時。?Sometimes 有時?

如: Sometimes I go to school by bus.?Some time 一些時間 ?

如: I need sometime to do my homework.? Some times 幾次 ?

如: I went to Shanghai sometimes this month.?

at times 有時,偶爾?

at all times 經常?

some other time 改天 ?

[誤] I had met an old friend three days ago.?

[正] I had met an old friend three days before.?

[正] I met an old friend three days ago.?

* ago 用在時間狀語中時,主句中謂語動詞一般用過去時,而before用于時間狀語時則主句的謂語動詞宜用完成時態。?

[誤] He studied very hard. and at the end he passed the exam.?

[正] He studied very hard, and in the end he passed the exam.? 精品小說推薦: 昔日落魄少年被逐出家族,福禍相依得神秘老者相助,從此人生路上一片青雲! 我行我瀟灑,彰顯我性格! 彆罵小爺拽,媳婦多了用車載! 妹紙一聲好歐巴,轉手就是摸摸大! “不要嘛!” 完整內容請點擊辣手仙醫

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